LO7- “Recognise and consider the ethical implications of choices and actions. Ethics are the moral principles that govern or influence our conduct. Ethics are the basis for what we determine to be the ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ course of action. Students show awareness of the consequences of choices and actions in planning and carrying out CAS experiences.”

Medical Society is a really great place to debate and ponder on ethical issues that are frequently encountered by doctors on a daily basis. For example, not providing treatment to a patient because they don’t give consent, even though the treatment will improve their condition is the “ethically correct” thing to do, even though this may completely contradict the moral obligations doctors have to do everything they can to treat their patients. We talked through the ethics pillars of medicine:

  1. Autonomy –> patient/guardian should give consent
  2. Beneficience –> must benefit the patient
  3. Non-Maleficience –> do no harm
  4. Justice –> doing what’s best for society as a whole and stay within legal boundaries

Using these pillars to guide your decision-making was something new I learned. I realised the multiple facets that doctors must examine almost subconsciously before making a decision: not only the scientific medical advice, but the emotional support, ethics, cost and legalities.

I’m excited to learn more about the challenges and rewards that doctors must face during their career!