Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience. Students can articulate the stages from conceiving an idea to executing a plan for a CAS experience or series of CAS experiences. This may be accomplished in collaboration with other participants. Students may show their knowledge and awareness by building on a previous experience, or by launching a new idea or process.

For medical society in order to run for chair, we had to prepare a presentation as well as run a mock session for the people in the club. This was to see how well we could manage the group and take responsibility. Anaya and I ran as a pair and we created slides in which we did a mock of MMI stations and asked them to discuss amongst themselves. We also then went on a discussion about euthanasia, debating the pros and cons and why it may be illegal in some places and legal in others. Planning this activity meant we had to reflect on what we enjoyed as members this year, as well as think about what we could improve on and what we would like to see more of. This was a great way to take ownership of our learning and build and develop our leadership skills as well. This was definitely already building off on all the other leadership experiences I’ve already had such as chair of student voice and chair of my GC, but being chair of a society is slightly different because you are all trying to actively LEARN about something, which I am not an expert on either. I’m excited for the results and if we have the opportunity to be chair, I’m keen to see where this learning journey takes us!