Chetan Bhagat’s Talk

To start off with, Chetan Bhagat was by far one of the most entertaining and engaging speaker I have heard from.At first, I honestly though Mr Bhagat was just going to tell us how he wrote his books and what writing techniques he was using to make all of his books bestsellers.At first I really liked how Mr Bhagat decided to connect with his audience and for a relationship with entertainment which is how he then transitioned onto the serious note.I liked how he told us about his life and how he had his career change from a banker to a journalist.I liked hearing his stories and told us how to achieve dreams.I also enjoyed the question session at the end as Mr Bhagat always knew how to keep the attention of his audience towards him at all time.Thanking him for giving us tips for success and how to achieve long term goals than compared to short term goals.And how is his final goal is to get all the Indians influenced by his work and how he is striving to do that with one small step at a time.Finally, I am also thankful for the photo session at the last.

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