Environmental Sustainability and Economic growth

I believe that economic growth and environmental sustainability can co exist. It’s basically up to us to make sure that the environment is not damaged in the process of economic growth. Moreover, economic growth could help keep the environment sustainable.This could be because the new technology might help us get a solution to the problems. However, during this economic growth, people use resources and this causes damage to the environment. resources are limited and if we use them all up, it is going to harm the environment. Moreover, it could also cause pollution and species extinction. Economic growth leads o technological improvements as if more people are wealthy, more people get the education, which allows the whole community to evolve. Stakeholders who would hold their belief deeply in economic growth would be the people who are wealthier. This is because people who are wealthier tend to be focused on business and capitalism. One example of this view might be Elon Musk. He has multiple businesses that he is running himself, and it is all towards his ambitions, which also leads to economic growth. But one of his business is called Hyperloop and this is a transportation business, however, it uses renewable energy and focuses to make the environment better. So to me, he is mostly technocentric, however, we can see his eccentric side of him through this project.


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