Pottery – Reflection 1 (LO: 2)

LO: 2

These initial weeks of pottery have certainly been challenging, however, they have also been an excellent learning experience and provided me with an interesting and engaging art activity to look forward to in the week. Having very little experience prior to joining the activity, I was prepared to encounter a steep learning curve. In the beginning, I found it quite difficult to shape the clay into the visual image I had in my head. However, as I continued to attend the sessions I have found myself learning more about the techniques of pottery and have been able to undertake more challenging projects. Recently, I decided to make a more complex clay pot than the usual design I was used to. The pot I had made had a lip at the edge to pour water out rather than being a simple cup-shaped opening. Doing this proved to be quite challenging in the initial attempts, but I was persistent in this task and kept trying. Eventually, I was able to overcome this challenge in this fairly unfamiliar activity.

I do not have any art subjects in my IB package, however, being a part of this activity allows me to develop my skills in the art and gives me a deeper understanding of the processes included in creating a piece of art. As I continue to attend these sessions I find myself continually being faced with new challenges that allow me to try new things and practice perseverance. I believe that this activity will allow me to approach things differently and make me more confident when I am faced with the inevitable challenges that I will encounter in the coming years.