Transition Unit:Subject Evening

Going to subject evening give me a clear understanding specifically on what is covered on the subject and skills that is needed etc.I went to ESS and they talked about how most of their work is done out in the field, which I found really interesting.I went to Theater and most of the students taking theater in grade 11 said one of the skills that is really important to have while taking the subject is Collaboration as most of their work is done in groups.

Talking to Universities Advisor, they bring something which is really surprising on how USA doesn’t really offer scholarship if you want to study medicine in University.Which means if you want to study medicine, you have to apply to Australia,England etc.They also said that you just need to take HL maths if you are studying in the field of Engineer, Economics,Business and etc.

For Spanish new learners, the common advice that students and teachers gave was learning Spanish during summers break as the subject tend to go faster with the topic.

Overall messages are:

  • Don’t follow your friends and parents influence on the subject you have to take.
  • Choose the subject that you love as it will make you IB process much easier
  • Enjoy your 2 years of IB as it’s a chance of you to do the stuff that you love and like before going to University.
  • Relationship with the teacher and UAC will really help you


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