How has social media become this way?

Question: How has social media become this way?

I came to that question as many of the ideas from the idea bracket have been depressing, talking about how we have become addicted to our phones. The conversations that I had was talking about how we rely on our phones so much, and we talked about how this has happened. The articles I read also talked about how many of the things that we have done has changed, and there are different issues we are facing because of this. By asking the question how social media became this way, when we started to become addicted will help us fix our problem and stop relying on our phones as much.

This question invites further dialogue as you can think about when this has started to happen, if this question is a good thing or a bad thing. We can ask ourselves the things that we are doing that is making ourselves addicted to social media, and how we can improve and change this.

We would need to avoid the slippery slope, if we allow A to happen then Z will eventually happen too, therefore A should not happen. This can be used in this situation as A is using our phones and social medias, and Z is us being too dependent on it. This applies to the situation as we can start talking about many hypothetical situations and start avoiding the issue, this is part of the emotion fallacy and using fear. A loaded question is something that needs to be avoided, as many of the questions that can be asked can’t be answered as easily without looking guilty. Anecdotal, using personal experience instead of statistics can also be something to avoid. Many of us can relate to the situation of using social media often, updating on there, therefore many of us will turn to look at our own personal experiences.

We should be thinking about this question because everyone uses their computer or phones now. In schools, we depend on our computer for homework, we use it as a learning opportunity. We use a variety of apps to do this, and use websites such as the OLP to help us. As 9th graders we use the internet and social media often, which could mean being addicted. By thinking of this question, we can realise the things we are doing and try to do them less often. We are able to be more open minded and think of solutions.