Practice IO Decision

I decided to use the Top Girls literary text along with Saint Hoax’s ‘Make America Misogynistic’, specifically the advertisement for ‘an Heus’ with the 4 women carrying the man on a litter. The reason why I believed that these two texts would be a good choice is due to their strong complementation for the Global Issue focus of how the dominant culture of men being the presiding and working figure in marriages and relationships reduces the role and responsibility of women down to one of servitude.

Focusing on the specific scene of Mrs. Kidd and Marlene’s altercation, a connection can be drawn between Mrs. Kidd’s representation of traditional female values and the positions of servitude of the women in the litter advertisement. As a traditional woman, Mrs. Kidd extenuates the stereotype and culture of women defending and supporting their man at all costs, even though these efforts may not be completely recognized by the man.

Comparing this to the advertisement, a clear connection can be drawn between Mrs. Kidd’s apparent powerless defense of her husband at all costs and the lack of freedom of the women who are literally supporting the weight of a man who holds an expression of apparent disregard for the women’s efforts. The man’s disregard is comparable to that of Howard, who according to the text, vents out his frustrations of losing the job to a female at his wife, Mrs. Kidd. This also shows that a continued theme is the apparent entitlement of men to advantages over women for everything from power and decision making to career prospects as shown by the nature of the argument.

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