Who are the three people in your life who have done the most to help you become the person you are today?

Who are the three people in your life who have done the most to help you become the person you are today?

I think two of the three people that have influenced me the most are both my parents. Their values and beliefs have brushed onto me throughout my 15 years. Their frequent teachings of what is right and wrong has grown me as an individual to be the best person I can be at this point in my life. Through the guidance of Islam, my parents have almost hand crafted the boy I am today and will continue to do so until I reach a point in my life where independence from my parents is a necessary step to advance my life.

I know this is sort of breaching the limits of this question but I believe the third person to have impacted me the most would be this school, UWCSEA East. The school programme has and will have the longest lasting effect on my process of thinking and my cognitive ability to make right decisions wherever I go. It has shaped and almost brainwashed (in a very very good way don’t get me wrong) my thinking in a way that I am capable of making ethical decisions that benefit the community as a whole and not only a decision that personally benefits me. The school has taught me to not to put myself above before others, nor has it taught me to put people before myself. The programme has taught me to put everyone, in line with one another.

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