Handwritten Notes Vs Laptop Notes
You may remember research a few years back saying that handwritten notes are better than typed notes. A new study couldn’t reproduce the results. The new study also found that, while students did marginally better on factual questions answered 30 min after the lecture, those improvements were lost over time. There was no difference in students ability to answer conceptual questions. For more, check out the article.
The Best Google Tool You aren’t Using
We are all aware of Google Docs, Drive, Calendar, and Forms. Some of your may even use Google Sheets. But the best Google tool that you aren’t using is Google Keep. There are a number of ways that you can use it in the classroom. Listen to the podcast or read the text – whatever works for you.
The Benefits of Constructionist Gaming
When I think of constructionist games, I think about Minecraft. There are a huge number of constructionist games available and there are a huge number of benefits for students playing these games. Creating games can show how different parts of a complex system interact to effect the system. This Edutopia article outlines some excellent reasons why you should be using this type of game in your classroom.