Students (and Teachers) make self-grading quizzes with Google Forms and Flubaroo


It’s easy to use Google Forms to collect information for surveys and manage sign-ups, but you can also use them for assessments. Geography students are using the Flubaroo script installed in a Google Form to create ten question quizzes for each other.

We spent most of a double period creating the quizzes that they will share with everybody in the class.  The link to the quiz can be shared by email or posted to a class website or the quizzes themselves can be embeded on a page.  When students take the quiz, the script checks their answers against the key created by the author of the quiz and returns their results immediately via email.
The teacher of the class meanwhile decided to create a Google Form to collect peer feedback of newspaper articles that were written by students in the class.  He simply turned his paper-based question guide into a form.  This will allow him to gather all the responses in one spreadsheet so he can easily look them over.  

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