Pull From the Reflection Pool

Beyond major strategies like portfolios, journals, presentations, diaries, blogs, etc. as facilitators of reflection we often want quick tools to provoke reflection. Below are some ideas that can be completed in 20 mins or less. Guest Post courtesy of Stuart MacAlpine and Anna Carr Inspired in part by Jennifer Moon’s work Creative Commons Image from…

Digital Bytes 20th February 2017

Kindness: A Lesson Plan The folks at Edutopia have put together another great article on ways of incorporating more kindness into your classroom. With detailed suggestions and resources, you are bound to get some new ideas to enhance your personal and social education lessons. We could all use a little more kindness in our lives….

Reflection rebranded?

What can we do to repackage the concept of reflection for our students and ourselves? “Reflection isn’t a single thing, a box to check in some elliptical cycle of learning. It’s as much a matter of self-awareness, humility, and affection as it is of timing, sequence, and procedure.” (Read full Edutopia post here) Educators have…

Podcasting as a tool of reflection for students and teachers

Can we podcast for better understanding of our teaching and learning practices? This week  Grade 10 Enterprise teachers were kind enough to invite me in to see first hand what our young innovators are up to.  Episode three of Podcast UWCLearn attempts to capture some of their process and unpack what it means in the…

Digital Bytes 6th June 2016

Google Drive Templates – Because Caring is Sharing Who doesn’t love a good template? Erifili Davis has collated a post full of excellent Google Drive Templates, including the FakeBook one shown here. Check out her suggestions on timelines, presentations, written projects and social media templates. What Students Feel Learning in a State of Flow “Flow,”…

Using Quicktime Screen Recording to Reflect

Students are always asked to reflect on their work. But how do we do this? Most of the time we get them to write a reflection. In my experience, these written reflections take a lot of time and students may not express their thoughts completely for a number of reasons. Students can be oversaturated by the sheer…