Repeal of Net Neutrality GPERs Essay

This was my faith ethics and ideology essay from GPERs. The Repeal of Net Neutrality In America Kamila Zastera 18/1/18 Mrs. Gonzalez 1 Kamila Zastera The Repeal of Net Neutrality In America In America, President Trump’s chairman Ajit Pai introduced the proposal to the FCC for net neutrality being repealed in America (Coldewey). Net neutrality […]

The Top 6 Tips from Steve Dawson for Interviews

The top tips that Steve Dawson gave about interviewing people were these tips. Set the answer free. Don’t set unnecessary parameters for the question. “How does it feel..” is the best question to ask because of the many ways it can be answered. Ask open ended questions. Provide a challenge for your interviewees for them […]