Concepts – ELP

Reading the IB’s key concepts, I found that two of them were significantly related to my analysis of Brand New Ancients – identity and culture. In the poem, Tempest offers up varied presentations of struggles with identity in domestic and social spheres. This includes Tommy’s struggle with finding his passion, and Clive and Spider’s social rejection.

The poem also includes detailed references to small-town, working class UK culture – vernacular, demeanor as well as some sociocultural elements of the poem – innate sexism, alcoholism, domestic violence and abuse. The poem also highlights pub culture, generational gaps and the inbred misogyny in the male-dominated commercial business space.

English – Home Fire

In ‘Home Fire’, Shamsie reimagines the story of Antigone, linking the final rites of burial of her dead brother Polyneices to Aneeka and Isma’s attempts to have their dead brother’s body shipped back to England after he is slain outside the British consulate in Turkey. There are also very clear connections between the main characters in both.

In my opinion, the creative element of this novel comes across to the readers not only through the story itself, but also because of any pre-knowledge that affects the readers’ perception of the book. The first element of transformation seen in the novel was the similar nature of both Polyneices’ and Parvaiz’s deaths – dying because of something morally questionable, going against what the people around them told them to do. In Polyneices’ case, it was waging a war against his own brother; In Parvaiz’s case it was joining ISIS to follow his late father’s path, even after being warned against this. Furthermore, Shamsie has adapted the link between family and tragedy, as seen in both Oedipus and Antigone.

The creative manner in which Shamsie evokes emotion within the audience lies within other parts of the story, too. By presenting Eamonn as a romantic interest to both Isma and Aneeka, Shamsie creates complication in the story, and the emotional turmoil between the two sisters in Antigone is heightened by adding a love interest to the mix. This creative choice is also highly significant due to its effect on the readers. In the same manner as viewers gasp at the dramatic reveal in a soap opera, readers are shocked by seeing Aneeka and Eamonn develop a sexual relationship.


Wislawa Szymborska

  • Nihilistic tendencies, a less directly presented appreciation for the world, even thru her understanding of the limitations of the human race, what that means in her different works, the tone and emotion behind each one
  • Delving into human emotion, personifying different perspectives, providing insight into her own lifetime – nazi occupation, warfare, military-related imagery, 
  • Her vernacular/informal/colloquial register, the simplicity and directness of the images this form of writing allows the reader to envision, or create, the insights that some very straightforward lines can give us, 
  • The ideas she presents regarding human emotion (hatred/ few words on the soul) give the readers a very free flowing image of the subject of the poem, creating a shape-shifting version of the intended personified aspect/character of the poem,
  • The conceits she presents; Metaphysical overall outlook on the different messages that each poem provides. Reflective/introspective nature of the overall meaning, covering a wider, more society-as-a-whole coverage of topics, using personal opinions or anecdotes to bolster this.