Meditation progress reflection

    • Goal to meditate in free time make it a habit
    • Meditation has been a relaxing experience to have every Wednesday morning. I think my next steps are to make it a habit and do it outside the activity as well. Here is a link provided by mr Suarez which is a playlist of guided meditations I can use outside of school.
    • Hopefully, I manage to do a full week of meditation, so one a day. I have also linked below MR. Suarez’s portfolio that provides many resources for meditation but science in general. It can be a tool for breathing exercises and Yoga as well.
    • The current challenges I am facing have to do with time management. I can’t find the time to do this every day and am sometimes not motivated to, but I think that making it a habit would have many benefits.


#LO1, #LO2

Kahaani First reflection

Kahaani is an annual dance performance that showcases dances from India and supports the service Kolkata GC. Kolkata GC helps give women in India, some of whom have disabilities, support by helping them through the arts, creating jewellery as well as dancing and singing. I have participated in the Kahaani dance event in grade 9 and 10. Kahaani has been enjoyable and has improved my dancing skills, as well as my confidence and collaboration skills with my other peers. My grade 9 kahaani experience was probably my favourite. I was able to improve my dance skills and I happened to have all my friends in my dance. Last year, however, the dance was a lot easier and I was put in a dance group with ONLY people from the grade above. It was not very fun but I was able to learn new things. This year I have 2 people I know in my dance group, which is really exciting. I hope to get to know the rest of the Peers in my dance and am excited to work creatively. I was surprised to get into a dance on Wednesday, as I thought I would get another day, all my friends have it on Thursday changes some of my previous plans. I hope to have a more positive experience than I did last year. I also hope to learn about how to lead a dance as that is something I would be interested in doing next year. I am also curious as to how Covid will change dancing while social distancing.

#LO4 #LO2 #LO5 #LO1


The annual UWC Model UN conference will be held online due to Covid-19 restrictions. This will be a challenge as it hasn’t been done before. The procedure and all the delegates and chairs will have to learn and challenge themselves in this situation. In this conference, I am a deputy chair for the Disarmament and International Security Council. I have to research a specific global issue and create a report to give to the delegates of the committee as an overview of the topic. I was given the topic of Combating the proliferation of weapons to non-state actors with special reference to the MENA region. When I was first assigned this topic I didn’t understand what it meant. However, after extensive research, I have a strong understanding of the topic and managed to finish this report (a week early too). Linked below is the research report which reflects my knowledge and understanding of this global issue. The conference is in December and I am excited to be the chair and lead this committee and to collaborate with the head chair from Dover. 

#LO2, #LO6, #LO4.

Object #2: Grolier Encyclopedia

^above is an encyclopedia which I often read as a kid.

Are some types of knowledge more useful than others?

This Encyclopedia provides knowledge to the readers in an accessible way as the books use images, diagrams and Encyclopedias often give knowledge on a range of topics. Most of the information in the books are facts, however, there are some things that can be a little biased. For example, Historical facts or information can be misrepresented in order to push an agenda. I feel like the historical aspects of encyclopedias can offer some bias and perspective as it is often said that “history is written by the victors (Winston Churchill). Encyclopedias mentioning the history of Asia could be done in multiple perspectives from the perspectives of the colonizers and of the locals. Overall I feel like the information in an encyclopedia is very general and can be useful to large groups of people. However, I think this gives a surface level of knowledge on multiple topics and includes mostly shared knowledge, rather than personal knowledge of an individual’s experiences. For someone who is trying to understand specific issues in-depth including all of the stakeholders and their perspectives encyclopedias and books may not always be the best resource.


Object #1: kurta (phirans) with Kashmiri embroidery


The pictures above include my mom, sister, and I when we were in Kashmir in 2012. 

My IA prompt is: Are some types of knowledge more useful than others?

Above is a picture of one of my Mother in a traditional Kashmiri Phiran (pheran), which has Kashmiri embroidery. It is a unisex garment and is often worn during the winter seasons as it’s woolen and keeps you protected from the cold. As many know, Kashmir is now under a heavy military lockdown, with communications and media blackouts, curfew, and other restrictions. The Phiran has been used as a symbol of resistance by Kashmiri’s who feel misrepresented and targeted. In 2018, a ban was placed on the education department against wearing the Phiran, which was then reversed following public outcry. It was also recommended that no official visits could be made when wearing a phiran. Kashmiri’s protested sharing images of them in their Phirans and explaining the significance it has to them. This relates to the usefulness of knowledge as it shows that even a piece of clothing has a lot of significance and knowledge that can be acquired from it. In this case, a Phiran is a form of self-expression and a part of Kashmiri’s identities. It can be considered a cultural symbol for a community of knowers who have experienced oppressive laws. This information isn’t widely available partially due to the media blackout and restrictions. I feel that this knowledge is useful specifically for people interested in this topic but I also feel that this information is important for raising awareness about current global issues. As an Indian- Kashmiri this information is incredibly useful to me so that I can better understand the situation which is taking place in Kashmir. (262 words).