Category: digital portfolios
Start your new year with a new challenge…
Rope Climbing, Santa Monica flickr photo by Boss Tweed shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license A new year brings an educator fresh opportunities. If you have a blog that’s been gathering dust, or you feel intrigued by the idea of starting one, this post is for you. Join over twenty teachers across seven countries…
June Round Up: The Networked Educator Challenge
“The biggest difference I found was this way in which people are aware of one another while they are learning, and the way in which they connect and build and improve.” Lights flickr photo by Jule’Kill shared under a Creative Commons (BY-NC) license We have made it to month two of our five-month educator-portfolio challenge….
May Round Up: The Networked Teacher Learner
Our five-month challenge started here, and now we are lucky to have our first rotation of what Silvia Tolisano refers to as ‘Mulling it Over.’ …an online learning community is a manifestation of connectivism as knowledge is distributed throughout the community of people and devices. A blog would serve as a connectivist tool as it…
Friday Friendly: Bloggers from Outer space…
If you’ve recently been thinking about ways to make use of ePortfolios next year..or next month: this post’s for you. Wait. Back up a minute. Why should we use online portfolios? In addition to inherent components of reflection, which traditionally have been viewed as internal (thinking about one’s own learning and that thinking primarily benefiting ourselves),…
Digital Bytes August 24, 2015
This week’s digital bytes includes articles about using safari reader view to get rid of distractions on webpages, 14 essential search tips for students when using Google and teachers sharing their thoughts on how to develop student digital portfolios.