SUNDAC: Last Session Before Vesak Break L07

We had previously done some planning after taking a long break due to exams and the busy schedule in school. We filled out a document talking about what went well and what we could change and improve on in the future in our groups. This would be beneficial not just to our group doing sundac this year, but to future years of students who would like to participate in sundac.

I found that one major change that I’ve only just recently noticed in the service was how much my classmates and I have grown as a group. We are much more closely as a group and are able to communicate and run activities a lot more smoothly. I also notice that the clients are happier and more willing to participate when there is good chemistry between the students. They seem more motivated to do things. Since this whole service is rounded around working with differently abled people, we consider ethics pretty much all the time. For example, if we go to hawkers to eat, when can we let them take the lead in certain activities, and when is it better to be a leader, based around safety and well-being of the client.

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