by | May 30, 2021 | Reflections
Today is World Menstrual Health Day! Today I have been reminded of the freedoms I gain from having access to menstrual products, including daily activities like exercising and going to school. I am so blessed that I, along with the rest of my school community,...
by | May 15, 2021 | Uncategorized
On March 11th, a Panel Discussion was held, organized during a weeklong collaboration event by GEP, Daraja, I-India, and BIA. Thriving Alumni such as Heron Holloway, Anne-Marie Goetz, and Linda Steinbock (information about the alumni can be found below) spoke about...
by | Feb 2, 2021 | Reflections
On Sunday, Brooke, Ran, and I had a great conversation with Yi Wen. Yi Wen is from UWC Changshu, China. She had contacted us as she saw our GEP portfolio after her teacher recommended it. She said she was having issues in her school regarding destigmatizing periods in...
by | Dec 16, 2020 | Reflections
Our group read this article called “Women slam Tampax over tweet celebrating the ‘diversity of all people who bleed’ amid calls for boycott” from Mail Online, which talked about the use of language when it comes to talking about menstruation....