Tell us about a time you experienced worry, stress or anxiety. Describe how it affected you and how you tried to cope with it?

I think that nowadays everyone is dealing with some sort of worry, stress or anxiety due to the uncertainty of the situation at hand. It has especially hit hard for lots of students as they are either losing face-to-face learning time with their teachers as they work towards their exams for the following year or the chance to prove themselves has been taken away from them as their exams have been cancelled leaving an uncertainty on what this means for their future. For me especially I have been worried about what my lack of exams mean in the future, with everyone before me either taken their exams or not taken them there is no real guide to how this will play out in my future. It affected my work ethic to begin with as I felt that everything I was doing or even working for was useless causing me to not see the point of even working at all. Eventually, I got over that and I knew that I would be taking some of the classes next year so to carry on would be the best option. Next time I face any worry I think I will try and use the worry budget and let myself deal with my issues quickly before moving on.

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