Sports ethics

Although originally unsure about what sports ethics would bring I think that it not only educated me but taught me valuable skills. My partner and I decided to make a podcast on the importance of sports psychologists and how they can benefit both professional and high school athletes, highlighting the ethical issues of not having psychological support. A challenge we faced during the process was that I was unfortunately out of the country for the majority of the process of making the podcast. We overcame this by making sure that we communicated and worked on our document together. This helped us hit our deadline.

The issue of sports psychologists is highly important to me as I have seen people who would have benefited from having coaches trained in helping their athletes when their sport was of high demand. Through my research in this topic it made me understand the demands of sport better and also made me reflect on my experiences with playing basketball. We aimed to understand the ethics of having, or not having, a sports psychologist for student athletes and the possible consequences of this. This topic was chosen as a result of its importance to us as student athletes as well as for everyone who plays a sport, more specifically at a higher level. My moral principles greatly affected this process as I believed that it was integral that many high-performance athletes have access to psychological help as well as physical help.

Sports Ethics

During IBDP I’m taking the class sports science which is the first to run this year, this additionally means that there are going to be more experiences related to sports science. One of them that has started running is sports ethics. Although I don’t really know what will happen during this experience I’m excited to start it.

In this experience I want to be able to become more organised and overcome the challenges that will come with a new experience whilst also committing to the process to make sure that the outcome is enjoyable.

Once I’ve finished this experience I want to be able to recognise what I’ve learnt through the two season and have been resilient through the challenges.