Atonement: Movie vs Book

  • I think the act of Movie Briony being shown that she has already shared her real name as a nurse to a patient makes the fact she does so with the French soldier less impactful
  • However, it does kind of show that at this stage she is already rebelling against the lack of individuality of the hospital
  • Forgot to write down: Cecilia and Robbie don’t walk with Briony down the station in the movie; instead they are shown making out in their apartment as Briony leaves

Paper 1 Practice Poem: The Kindness


  • Teacher’s comments: Forgot to talk about or mention lineation; sometimes need clarification on points
  • Challenges: deciding on how to organise topics of body paragraphs and relate them to theme of kindness and beauty
  • Personal notes: For body paragraph 3, I should switch the last sentence with the topic sentence because it’s much more clearer whereas my original topic sentence was a bit messy and made more sense after I finished showing all my evidence; I spent around three days planning out and writing the essay, and most of the time went into organising concepts and deciding what evidence to use from my notes and what I should keep out; need to work on time management

Hitler’s First Photograph by Wislawa Szymborska

Think about:

– Transformation: translating from Polish to English; how does English translation differ from Polish (rhythm, connotation of words, etc)?

– Identity: content of poem

– Usage of dramatic irony (in a sense): Szymborska didn’t have to mention at all what Hitler would do when he was older, didn’t even hint at it, but the message/impact of the poem lies in what Hitler became; the audience already knew Hitler for the Holocaust but the narrator of the poem, as well as the characters mentioned (mother, history teacher), do not