My identity

The question of identity is quite relevant in modern society. The way we identify ourselves helps us to get a clear idea of who we are and what do we want to make in the future.
There are some parts of our identity, that are more noticeable and create the first impression. I am a 16-year-old boy from Central Asia and that is what people can see instantly. However, our identity consists of much more than just our appearance. Learning styles, values, experiences shape our identity. Most of the people can’t see the identity completely and that’s why the element of communication is crucially important in exploring new perspectives. I prefer to study individually because it helps me to be more concentrated and productive. Moreover, my main values are mutual respect, support for any group of people & sincerity.
This was a short introduction to my vision of identity. It is impossible to describe a person fully in a single piece of text, but that’s not the point. The point is to build up the image of a person piece by piece.