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Ali Ferzat cartoons

Both of the cartoon had similar method of expressing the issue such as the use of white background and only using black and white in order to draw the cartoon. Additionally, Ali does not use any verbal texts which makes the reader think what the cartoon is about and also, it makes it universal. Furthermore, both of the cartoon mock the people who are in power and do not provide enough to the people in their country. The mockery shown by using juxtaposition and irony.

Things that are consistent throughout his work

The features mentioned above can be said to his body of work as well. He tend to use white background, only black and white colour, no texts and use irony or mockery as the method of expressing the issues that he is addressing. These features are significant in telling the issue efficiently so that the audience will get the message with clarity.

Evidence of the 4 hats

  • Journalist: He expresses variety of issues he found about politics or the system in the country through ironically (and in a mocking attitude) expressing them in his drawing
  • Commentator: He expresses what have to be changed through cartoons which leads to expressing his thoughts (he also tend to express one side of the story)
  • Satirist: He expresses the issue in a ironical manner by either showing one side of the story (the one who are not in power) or symbols that show the negativity of the person’s action
  • Arts: Black and white, white background, main thing in the middle, symbols, use of item that are commonly used/known
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