Political Cartoons and Gender Roles

In the above political cartoon we can see three women sitting around a couch and watching TV. This image alone is quite interesting because usually this kind of scene would be depicted with men sitting around in this kind of format, especially in the ways that these people are sitting. We can also see that one of the girls is saying that she thinks that something is expected of them. This suggests that the women know and feel like they are meant to be doing something else but can’t be bothered to. This relates to gender roles because the general stereotype for women would be doing cooking and cleaning work, while the men would come back from doing their ‘actual’ jobs and sit around as shown above.


Texts are all around us and we take in information from them all time. Texts can affect our thoughts and opinions on whatever they are about and as a result may give us a sense of a topic or a group of people that is not entirely true. In my opinion, I believe that texts cannot truly represent a group of people or the culture as there is just not enough time or space to encompass the depth and complexity that a group of people may have. Furthermore, texts may also have bias and stereotypes within them without people even noticing, resulting in the portrayal of the group of people not being as accurate as it can be. These stereotypes may also be included intentionally based on what the target audience is of the the text and what they may know about the group of people that the text is referring to.

With the example of the movie ‘Crazy Rich Asians’, we see that it does not accurately represent the group of people ‘Asians’. By definition, ‘Asians’, would refer to anybody that was from a country located in Asia. This could include places such as India, Singapore, China, Malaysia and so on, however in the movie, the character were played by actors that were all light skinned asians. This then poses the question of why all types of Asians were not represented within the movie. As it is based in Singapore, a country with a lot of diversity, for the movie to accurately describe the set of people ‘Asians’ they should have included all types of people within the main cast, however darker coloured Asians were only portrayed as smaller, insignificant characters. This suggests that the text wasn’t able to truly represent the group of people it was trying to.

While texts may not represent some groups of people accurately, the fact the texts can be interpreted in many different ways also affects how we may view them. Our identity is one of the key aspects that plays a role in how we understand texts. If we see parts of our identity represented in texts we feel like it represents our culture at least a little and that people from our culture are important. However, when people from our culture are not represented such as darker skinned Asians in the movie, we feel that our culture may be neglected and that people do not really think about us. In this way we can see that our interpretations of texts are affected by our identity and culture.


Single texts can have multiple different meanings and I think that this is quite significant so that people can interpret them in their own way. Different people may see the same text and pull different meanings out of it based on their cultural backgrounds, prior knowledge and exposure to different ideas regarding that particular topic. This sense of ambiguity in texts is also applicable to symbols such as flags. Each nation has a different flag, and one particular flag can mean completely different things to different people. People around the world have all different sorts of ideas and opinions about other countries and this affects the meaning that they interpret from the flag. It is important that a flag has no fixed meaning because otherwise people will always associate that country with the one fixed meaning even if that they believe that the nation has a different meaning to them.

Since texts usually have unstable meanings that are open to interpretation, the significance of reading both literary and non-literary texts to be overlooked. Reading such texts can help us develop ways to think about not only our initial impressions of certain texts but also allows us to think more deeply about possible meanings of the text and look at it from other ways that we initially didn’t see. These texts can also reflect ideas that the author wants readers to think about, and thinking about different interpretations of the text can help with our understanding of them.

Advertising From Different Cultures

The photo above shows an ad for coca cola in Bangkok, Thailand. We can see the culture of Thailand come across more in the location of the advertisement as it has been placed next to Buddhist building. As Buddhism is the most common religion in Thailand with around 95% of the country’s population, the coke ad is aiming toward their intended audience by drawing on peoples religious beliefs to increase the amount of people that will see it. This ad would only work as well as it does in a Buddhist country because of its location.

Image result for coke picture ads from different countries

Unlike the previous ad, this one doesn’t have any connection to religion and focuses on showing a laid back, relaxed scene with people carpooling and a girl holding a bottle of coke. This ad originally came from the US and draws attention to what people would think a typical American girl would look like, in a sort of flashy car. This ad seems to be targeted at young people in the US who are having kind of a relaxed life, acting like they are on summer vacation. This ad would be far more ineffective in Thailand compared to the other one, this is because that utilises the main religion of the country to draw attention to it, whereas this is showing a scene which all people in Thailand may not be as familiar with compared to people in the US. Similarly if the Thai ad were to be put in the US it would not attract much attention as the US doesn’t have such a high percentage of Buddhist people.

Physical Activity Final Post

Within the physical activity section of the NYAA, rather than learning a new sport I practiced and improved my skills in tennis. Prior to logging my time I had already been playing tennis for a while and therefore I knew how to play all the strokes to a decent level. One significant thing that I learnt within the time I was recording my activity was about strategy of the game. Things such as when to play each shot or deciding how to play based on where I was on the court, were skills I developed to improve my overall game. I had to know on what kind of ball I should defend and on what kind of ball I could attack to give me a better chance of winning the point. As well as this I also started to think more about placement of the ball when I returned. Based on the position of the other player I learnt to hit in a certain direction to make it harder for them to return. Other than the strategy of playing the game one shot that I specifically improved during this time was my serve. I worked on making my first serve more flat to become more powerful and harder to return, as well as improved on the consistency of my second serve. This was very helpful for my game as the serve is one of the most important shots as it alway starts the point. The progress I made on my serve made it easier for me to set up the point for me to win it. Overall throughout the ten weeks I recorded my physical activity, I think that I have made a lot of improvement in different areas of the sport and this progress will allow me to play at a more competitive level.

Skill Final Post

Throughout my time recording one year of me learning and practicing the piano, I have progressed with many new skills. As I have been learning how to play this instrument for quite a long time now, this year was more about progressing and furthering my skills rather than having to develop new ones. I learnt how to play more complex pieces, developed my sight reading skills, and improved my technique of playing in order to implement ornamentation and articulation notated within the score of music. As sight reading has always been hard for me this is the thing that I tried to work on the hardest because it is extremely important in order to play the music. Since I could always read a score, when practicing sight reading I had to work on the speed in which I read it and make to to take into account the key signature so as to not miss any accidentals. As wall as progressing my sight reading skills, within the year that I recorded I also had to get ready for a piano exam. This required me to learn three different pieces, three different exercises and a few scales which each had their own challenges. As with learning any other piece I learnt the part for each hand and overtime put them together and practiced in order to make to piece sound fluent. While this took a lot of time, the thing that I made the most progress on within these things was playing the dynamics more clearly to make the pieces sound more musical rather than me just playing a piece. Overall I think improving my skill in the piano has been very beneficial and I have made a lot of progress within it that will help me as I try to play more challenging music.

Service Final Post

The service that I have been doing is an environmental service to do with gardening and sustainability. After having done this service for over six months I have learnt a lot of new skills and made a lot of progress with what I have been doing within it. Towards the beginning of doing this service I learnt many new gardening skills in order to be able to help grow, develop, and take care of plants within the urban garden in order for them to eventually be harvested. Once harvested we could send the produce to other people around Singapore through other service partners such as Fresh Fruit Friday. However, apart from the physical skills another important thing that I learnt was to be aware of what we were growing. This was so that it had the highest chance of being successful, but also so that it could positively benefit the environment as well as having the plant be used for something other than just aesthetics. Within the service we learnt to grow plants with a purpose such as plants which could be used as food or medicine. After spending a lot of time doing this service the process got easier and the amount of harvested produce was more as we were more efficient in terms of planting seeds and taking care of the garden. This progression allowed us to send more produce out to other people. Overall one of the biggest takeaways from this service that can apply to all others as well is how we related what we were doing back to the sustainable development goals. Goals such as climate action and life on land were most relevant in the case of this service, but keeping in mind any of the SGD’s in any service allows for a specific global goal for people to work towards.

Maths Reflection

Throughout the year I found that the most challenging aspect of mathematics was balancing practicing the extended maths topic and the add maths topics. This is because in class for most of our test the concepts we had to know for them were generally from the extended maths course so I had to practice that to do well at the tests. However I found that the extended maths topics were relatively easy for me to understand after just a little bit of practice and the add maths topics were a lot harder for me to understand. This meant that I had to spend a lot more time studying for the add math topics for the exam, but I also had to make sure that I knew the extended topics as well. This was quite hard since I had to know how to manage my time to spend more time on add maths while still spending enough time on the other topics so that I understood them completely. I think that overall mathematics is a subject which requires a lot of practice and can be quite challenging at times especially when there and multiple topics and concepts that need to be learned. However once you understand the concepts it is something which can be quite enjoyable.

Personal Statement – G9

Throughout my life I have lived in three different countries, two of which have influenced me quite a lot. Since I grew up in England, living there for eight years, what I learnt there has really shaped who I am today. Due to my education there and the way that we learnt there, I have a very logical approach to challenges and always look for reasoning behind things. After moving to Singapore, I learnt a lot more about myself and the kinds of qualities I have and the areas that I need to improve on because I was forced to start thinking in that way. One of these areas of strength that I found was my logical and critical thinking. Due to how I had learnt before, I was able to apply this kind of approach to different challenges and problems I had to face. One area of weakness for me is my communication. Sometimes I am unable to communicate my thoughts and ideas clearly to other people as I have always found it challenging to put my thoughts into words. I think that I should work on this so people can understand me more clearly and so that I can communicate to them, what I am trying to say, with ease. The way I will have to improve this skill is by practicing not only written answers to questions but also when I am having a conversation verbally. I will have to be able to force myself to give a clear, definitive answer to questions I am asked as I usually am very vague when I do not know I to clearly communicate what I want to say.

Academically, I believe my areas of strength lie in mathematics and science as those are subjects which I can understand the concepts of quite easily. This is because I am generally very logical in the way that I think. Science is also something that I have always been particularly interested in, especially chemistry, since I find that learning about the way chemicals react and the practical side of it very intriguing. However since I was able to choose new subjects once entering high school, I have found that I quite enjoy economics as a subject as well. I think this is because understanding how markets work and being able to apply that to real world situations makes it more interesting than just doing the theory behind it. I am not sure which area I will continue to pursue in the future in terms of a career and what I will continue studying, but I do know that I will want it to be either science or economics as these are the areas I am most interested in. Due to the fact that I am quite indecisive about what I want to do in the future, I want to be able to start exploring different options within these two subject paths. This will allow me to get a more clear understanding of what exact type of field I want to work in when the time comes. I can do this by researching further into them both and seeing which one is of more interest to me. If I have to opportunity I could also ask people who have studied each one what kind of work they do with each subject and find out what seems more appealing to me. Overall I think that although there is probably many things about myself I am unaware of, I have learnt quite a lot about myself and the areas I am interested in, and the kinds of things I want to continue doing.



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