Top Girls – Social status and Identity

Within the play ‘Top Girls’, Churchill uses language in order to establish certain characters social status and identity. This allows for the audience to see the distinction between certain characters lifestyles and reflects the differences between lower and higher social classes. One particular character that we are able to see reveal their identity and social class through their use of language is Joyce. Through the way in which Churchill constructs Joyce’s language and contrasts it to Marlene’s, the fact that she is of a lower social class is made apparent to the audience.

One evident factor that reveals to the audience that Joyce is of a lower working class is the way in which she constructs her speech. The fact that her speech is not constructed in a grammatically correct way is an example of this and is seen when Joyce says, “You was in America or somewhere”. From this quote we can see that Joyce is not aware of the correct grammar she is meant to be using as instead of saying ‘were’ she had said ‘was’. This is significant because it suggests to the audience that Joyce has not been well educated and as a result she won’t be able to get a high paying job like her sister Marlene. This in turn implies to the audience that Joyce’s social status is quite low as she is uneducated and as a result has a menial job as a cleaning women. This can be seen when Joyce is talking to Marlene and she states, “I know we’re not on the phone but we’re not completely in the dark ages”. This line makes it clear to the audience that Joyce’s family is not in a great financial situation as they cannot afford a phone to talk to Marlene. As a result of this the idea that Joyce is in a lower socioeconomic class is enforced. Furthermore, when Joyce states, “I hate the cows I work for and their dirty dishes with a blanquette of fucking veau”, the idea that she is of lower social class is once again suggested, but now through the nature of the words she is using. Here she refers to the people she works for as ‘cows’, suggesting that she shows no respect towards them and doesn’t care about what they think. Her use of profanity here also builds on this idea, instilling a sense in the audience that she is of low social class as her language is not at all respectful or sophisticated as would be expected of high class people. Due to this, through the way in which Churchill constructs Joyce’s speech, it is made apparent that she is of a low social class.

Other than her social class, Churchill also reveals aspects of Joyce’s identity through the way she speaks. When Joyce says lines such as “fucking rotten little cunt”, the vulgar language that she uses suggests to the audience that she is a very casual person who doesn’t really care about what she says. As well as this, the fact that she says this line about her ‘daughter’ Angie makes her seem like a very angry and frustrated person who may be taking out her emotions on her daughter. The reason which this is happening could be due to the fact that Angie is actually Marlene’s biological daughter and not Joyce’s. This as a result reveals aspects about Joyce’s identity as well, because one of the reasons that Joyce doesn’t have a good job is because Marlene left her with Angie while Joyce was quite young. This resulted in Joyce being a mum for Angie and juggling four different cleaning jobs to pay the bills. As well as this Joyce’s husband cheated on her and left her resulting in Joyce being left alone and not in a great financial situation. Due to all of these events affecting her life, Joyce’s identity may have changed making her more of an aggressive person. This could reveal why Joyce seems to be very angry and almost resentful of Marlene, especially since Marlene’s social status is so different to hers. Marlene gave up the ‘family lifestyle’ to work in a corporate setting, earning quite a lot of money, which contrasts the type of life that Joyce has drastically. From comparing their language alone, we can see that Marlene speaks with correct grammar since she has been better educated which is why she has a good job and is of a higher social class.

Overall, through the way in which Joyce speaks, the audience is able to see that she is of a lower social status and that as a result of it she has become an angry person who resents Marlene. This ultimately suggests the idea that sometimes characters true identities can be lost and that the real way that they are defined is by their social status, as Joyce is only seen as a working class women representing the majority of women at that time.


Second Activity Post – Tennis

Throughout this year I have continued to play tennis multiple times a week, and now alongside my technique and skill training for match play, have also started training my stamina more. This has been slightly more difficult than just practising the skills needed to make shots, as it takes a much longer time to improve endurance than compared with the way in which I strike or place the ball on the court. It generally involved a lot of running, as within matches I am required to continuously run for shots over a long period of time. I think that continuously doing this in line with my regular tennis training was quite challenging as especially once fitness training started it took a lot more effort and energy from me than I realised. As a result, although it was quite challenging, I have had to practice this consistently, so that over time I could start to improve in this area of my game. Even though I am generally able to be consistent over the course of a match, by training my endurance I have been able to improve the consistency and quality of my shots as I have more energy due to training this way.

Other than this aspect, another area I have been working on recently is doubles gameplay. This is because I am most used to playing singles matches and that is the type of match I have the most practice in, however, sometimes within tournaments I need to play doubles and this requires a lot more communication and strategy than singles. In focusing on doubles I have to collaborate and communicate well with my teammate so we both know what we are planning the structure of the point to be, as well as when each of us will take a shot and where we intend to place it. In practising this, a lot of the time there was a miscommunication between me and the person I was playing with, which resulted in losing more points than we should have. However, in playing doubles over a period of time, it got easier to communicate and understand how my partner would play a shot, resulting in us playing a better game overall.

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Second Creativity Post – Marimba Pamberi

After doing the marimba music ensemble for a while in grade 11, we have learnt a few pieces which we have ready and able to perform. As a result, we have spent a little bit of time in some lessons in smaller groups planning out potential solos or extra improvised parts to fit into pieces that we have learnt. This took some time as we had to come up with music that fit into the key and style of what we were playing before we would transition into this type of section. This planning required us to work as a group to make sure that something we came up with would fit into the flow of the piece and would feel natural with disrupting the music too much. Additionally, we had to ensure that each person was comfortable playing their part and knew how they fit together within the improvised type section as well as the piece as a whole. Once we had come up with something, we tested it out within the context of the piece to see how well it fit into it and how it could be changed and improved. This usually included simplifying some parts, keeping up the tempo of the new part with what we already knew, and ensuring that the key we were playing in was completely in line with the rest of the section so that it didn’t sound too out of place. After a few attempts and changing our ideas slightly, we eventually reached a point where what we had come up with seemed to work well with the music and each person was confident in the part they had to play.



Second Service Post – 4PM

Before we started to actually work with our service partner 4PM, we had a few weeks to plan out the activities we are going to run, and structure them according to the topics that the teachers at 4PM have advised us to do. This planning stage has been very important as without it, the sessions that we have with the children will be very chaotic, and won’t really have an easy to understand structure that is needed when working with young children. As a result within these weeks, my group and I used the time to plan out activities such as bullrush, colouring and musical chairs and find ways to relate them to the topics that 4PM was teaching, such as reduce, reuse, recycle. While coming up with ideas for games kids might like was relatively easy, finding creative ways to relate them back to the topics the 4PM teachers wanted us to, was slightly more difficult. This resulted in us having to plan out the activities much more specifically to what the service partner needed such as designing a colouring sheet with items that could be recycled and then asking the children to place each item into a certain type of recycling bin.

Having done the planning, we have started to have a few sessions with the children and as a result, have been able to see the outcome of some of our plans. The first few lessons that we had, we were able to see that some of the activities that we had planned may have been slightly too difficult for the kids to really understand what we were trying to teach them about. Additionally, we hadn’t really expected how challenging it would be to keep control of them and convey the meaning of our activities across to them. As a result, we had to go back to our plans and change them to take into account the fact that certain activities we had planned might have been too complex. We also had to come up with strategies to keep the attention of the children while simultaneously making sure that they were still entertained by the prepared games. As a result, I was able to build my planning skills as well as identify ways in which certain aspects could be changed or improved. In doing so we were able to see that the children were much happier with the activities we had planned after the first 2 or 3 weeks as we were able to change our initial ideas.

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Initial Activity Post – Tennis

For the activity part of CAS, I have been playing tennis in an academy outside of school. I have been playing tennis for quite a long time, and before it was a requirement for CAS. Being a sport, tennis requires technique and skill, but also stamina and commitment. As a result of this, I play tennis at least twice a week to keep practicing my technique and improving it, as well to improve my fitness so that it becomes easier for me as my stamina improves.

As I want to improve and get better at the sport, I have been motivated to keep practicing every week. The only way to improve in an area like this is by practicing, so I have been motivated to stay committed to it so that I can see myself improve in all areas of the game. Because of this commitment, I can see that I am getting more consistent and powerful with my shots, which is a result of practice. As well as this, I am able to focus more on things such as placement of the ball on the court, as I no longer of to think about things such as the technique of my strokes.

Going forward I think that it is important for me to stay committed to the sport I have chosen and like, so that I can improve further in both the way I play the game and my own physical fitness. This is very important because personally I find sport to be the thing that motivates me to exercise. I find things like just running on a treadmill to be quite boring, whereas in playing tennis you are keeping fit but also learning how to play sport that also has an element of competition.



Initial Service Post – 4PM

This year I have started a new service in which we work with a service partner called 4PM. In this service we will be helping children with a lower socioeconomic background, to give them more confidence and expose them to new experiences by doing activities involving the arts. This is a very important issue as income inequality is what often leads to people being less fortunate. As a result, educating people about how serious the issue is, and providing less fortunate people with opportunities and experiences is critical.

While I haven’t done this exact activity before, I have had some experience in some of the aspects of what we will be doing. In the past, I have worked with young children in service, so I know what it is like to have this group of people as the target audience for the activities we plan. Furthermore, I have been involved in the arts such as music, and really enjoy doing them, which is what initially made me want to participate in this service.

Before actually working with the children, we have been analysing our own strengths and weaknesses to see how we can best benefit the children from 4PM. As a result of this stage and being in this service, I have found that my ability to plan and think about what activities would be most beneficial is quite strong. This is because I understand the type of activities we are meant to be organising and the group of people it is for. However, I think I would like to improve on my communication skills when we actually are doing the activities and working with the children. This is because communicating with them is quite challenging as they are very young and not yet fluent at speaking. As well as this, when I don’t know the people I am talking with very well, I find it harder to communicate with them as we don’t really know each other. As a result of this I think that this service will be a great experience for me and will really help me to improve my communication skills as this is the area I find that I need to work on the most.

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Initial Creativity Post – Marimba Pamberi

I have recently been doing a marimba ensemble in school in Grade 11 which I have also done in previous years as I have always enjoyed music. Revisiting it this year again will allow me to not only develop my music skills further but will also help with my collaboration skills as when working together in a music ensemble, collaboration is critical. This is because everyone has to know what their part is within the piece and where it fits in so that the end result will be the best possible performance.

Over the first few weeks of doing this activity I have had to collaborate with other students within the ensemble so that our parts would fit together cohesively. This started off being quite challenging as people learnt how to play their parts at different rates which lead to some people being ready to start fitting it together while others were still increasing their fluency. As well as this while trying to put the parts together we all had to be playing at the same tempo and listen to where to come into the music. Thinking about all these things made it quite challenging to start off with but after practising a little it has started to get a little easier. I think that in order for us to perform our pieces well in the future, collaboration will continue to be very important so that we sound like an ensemble playing a piece with many different layers. A way that I may be able to help improve this is by helping teach people who don’t understand the part how to play it if I know how to already, since I have done this activity before and have skills in this area. I can also contribute to this myself by listening carefully to where my part fits into the piece as a whole.

Overall, I think that the start of my creativity part of CAS has been going quite well and that while there are some things I can improve on, I have been enjoying my time playing in a music ensemble.

#LO1 #LO5


Empathy and Outrospection

After reading this article about the Bahamians trying to enter the US after Hurricane Dorian, I think that I am somewhere between sympathetic and compassionate for the Bahamians. This is because they are being denied from entering the US when they have no where else to go. It makes me think about how they have just lost everything due to a natural disaster, and they are being turned away from the only place that they have left to go. This makes me feel sorry for the people that this is happening to, and I care that their lives have been ruined and they have no where to go.  I also think that by using outrospection and looking outside of myself I will be able to better understand the situation the refugees face by looking at how other people view the what is happening. This will allow me to realise the severity of what is going on, and the effort some people are trying to go through to help these refugees.

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