Pornography in Society Examine

Pornography is a deadly cocktail that encompasses the very reaches of the human psyche. It satiates our need for procreation, ingrained in our DNA. With the rise of pornography making it more readily available, more people are falling victim to the penetrating power of porn. It instantly gratifies the viewer and it gives a rush of dopamine and other ‘feel-good’ chemicals. This combination of quick and quantitative enforces the susceptibility to addiction. Addiction stems from continuous dopamine desensitisation as well as easy access and ‘feel-good’ chemicals. This idea crumbles the lives of those who might suffer from it and as most addictions do, they destroy relationships. However, porn can also be a form of education. There have been cases where people have learned sex education through porn as most schools still don’t teach it properly. In another sense, it can also heighten sexual acts with each partner, giving them better intercourse. Porn is complex however, and there are still so many things we are still learning about it. It has existed throughout history and its effects are still there. It affects society, gives a person a release and security. Porn is contested and debated and it still should be.

Measurements of Me

Personality tests have always puzzled me, they have always gotten most things right or none at all. According to 16 personalities, I am a Mediator. One who is idealistic, altruistic, creative, imaginative and thoughtful. I can say I am all of those in day to day life. However, I do not perceive myself as entirely idealistic. I am quite pessimistic about the world, but I have seen the beauty it can give. I can say that through personal reflection, I am both. I try to, as much as I can, integrate both realist and idealist views. I am involved in many advocacies and enjoy helping others.

I am also apparently open to creative careers. One of them is writing. I do enjoy writing and the arts in general incredibly. I have jumped through different mediums: Fine Art, Theatre, Music, and more, and I am fascinated in expression. I feel limited by such descriptions because with the segregation and demarcation of what you can and cannot do is quite imprisoning. I also apparently do not work in high-stress environments, which I feel is accurate but I still survive.

One of my favourite movies is Amelie, and I was pleased to share her personality type.

Emotional Intelligence and Empathy: Its implications on life

Emotional Intelligence is a complex construct of society to calculate one’s interpersonal relationships with other people. However, it is entirely possible to have varying levels of Emotional intelligence as different aspects of our day to day life can affect our attitudes to certain thing. It is only ever truly an attitude to which we deal with our surroundings, which is primarily influenced by our surroundings. A tautology of environment and self.