Cartoon Analysis // English

The issue or subject your cartoon is based upon

In this cartoon our group made, the topic it falls under is the umbrella topic of nCovid 19. The moment we were addressing was when Donal Trump was addressing the United States, essentially telling his citizens to inject themselves with disinfectant to cleanse their bodies of the coronavirus.

What you wanted to say about it (perspective/point of view)

We wanted to show how Trump’s words are lies and cause a lot of issues. We made the main character of the cartoon Lady Liberty because she resembles the US and the freedom of the country. Her torch is on the floor because it shows how Trump’s words have robbed the nation of a responsible and respectable leader.

The ways in which you communicated your ideas (compositional features)

We used light and dark tones to show the grim reality of the situation, and the yellow to show how Trump thinks her words are motivational and bright when its the symbol of Lady Liberty’s torch. Her torch is lying on the ground because it shows a diminishing spirit, and how nCovid 19 has impacted the US is so many ways.

Any future developments?

We could use foregrounds and backgrounds to showcase what we find more important, and we would like to use labeling to give some more direction to the audience.

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