LEAP 2020 // NYAA

This session in LEAP we went through the upcoming Family Festival. We worked through the Green Zone or whatever we end up naming the eco-sustainable zone, and how the different aspects of the Family Festival would come together. I am very excited about how we are contributing to the sustainability aspects of our campus. We […]

Service Learning November // NYAA

This month, we spent a lot of time planning for the upcoming months. We first talked about the student body’s reaction to the sudden changes to veggie Wednesday, and how many people may not even have realized these changes have occurred. As a campus, we are trying to move more towards more sustainable meals and […]

LEAP Service Learning // NYAA

This week in LEAP, we connected with the college services we represent. Although it is not a big responsibility, it helps us do our job better. Later on, after this session, we will be meeting with some of the Head of Grades, We will be discussing the future of the Giving Tree. The thinking behind […]

7th November LEAP // NYAA

Since today is the first week back from the October break, we worked on organizing the next few weeks. We spent the majority of the time working with SEC to aid them in their upcoming assembly. Our plans have changed since we are now focusing on more big picture ideas and collaborating with other services. […]


This week at LEAP, we discussed our future. Originally, we did some admin work, then we proceeded to sort out assignments and projects for the rest of our time. We discussed possibilities for a college service event or collaboration with family festival. Earlier on this day I watched a documentary, for LEAP, called Let Us […]

LEAP Week 5 // NYAA

This week in LEAP, we had 2 visitors from the Boarding House. We discussed the possibility of future collaborations with the boarding house sustainability group and we also went through SEC and their document. There was a little bit of resistance to how SEC responded to our inputs and possible miscommunication. We need to start […]

LEAP Week 4 // NYAA

Today in LEAP, we attended an SEC workshop. SEC stands for sustainability enterprise consultants, and they talked to us about how we can find and sell sustainable products. We critiqued their efforts in order to improve the value of their workshop for the future. I think I am understanding how our campus works more and […]

Service Learning Week 3 // NYAA

This week in LEAP, we went on a walk around the green spaces in our school. We also explored the possible projects we might want to take on in later sessions. Still very much an introductory session, learning about what we will be doing and why it’s important. I think that this really helped develop […]