Chamber Ensemble Term 1 // CAS and Music

LO1: Identify their own strengths and develop areas for growth

Having played the cello since the second grade, many may say it is one of my strengths and a key part of my personality. However, like any other skill, there is always room for improvement. Throughout the last two runs of Chamber Ensemble, I have definitely identified my strengths and area for growth. My biggest take away from this season of Chamber would be being able to learn and work with my stand partner to improve our performance. I will touch back on this when I talk about learning outcome 5.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

With every new (ish) experience, there are many challenges and road bumps along the way. There have been a couple of challenges this season, however, I have to admit that the main challenge would be having discipline and commitment to the group. I think that I have always been committed to be committed, however this year I have faced some confidence and perseverance issues regarding playing the cello and balancing my commitments.

LO4: Show commitment and perseverance in CAS experiences

As I mentioned earlier, commitment and perseverance have been very crucial to this CAS activity experience. Chamber, a year-round commitment, challenges many issues regarding commitment and respecting them. Chamber has really shown me that commitment and enjoying the commitment can produce really nice performances. We performed 3 pieces this term, the Marimba Concerto Mvt 4.: Farewell, Ney Rosauro, the String Quartet in G Major Mvt. II, Florence Price, and the Concerto for Two Violins, J.S. Bach.

Here is a photo from a Saturday rehearsal (21 Nov 2020), this rehearsal was very crucial as it led up to our recording sessions in the upcoming month.

LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

Similar to the fourth learning outcome, collaboration is, obviously, very crucial for our Chamber Ensemble. Specifically in the Violin Concerto, where we depend on the 2 violin soloists, it was a really important learning experience regarding how we can all support and learn from each other.

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