LEAP Week 5 // NYAA

This week in LEAP, we had 2 visitors from the Boarding House. We discussed the possibility of future collaborations with the boarding house sustainability group and we also went through SEC and their document. There was a little bit of resistance to how SEC responded to our inputs and possible miscommunication. We need to start […]

LEAP Week 4 // NYAA

Today in LEAP, we attended an SEC workshop. SEC stands for sustainability enterprise consultants, and they talked to us about how we can find and sell sustainable products. We critiqued their efforts in order to improve the value of their workshop for the future. I think I am understanding how our campus works more and […]

Service Learning Week 3 // NYAA

This week in LEAP, we went on a walk around the green spaces in our school. We also explored the possible projects we might want to take on in later sessions. Still very much an introductory session, learning about what we will be doing and why it’s important. I think that this really helped develop […]

LEAP Week 1 // NYAA

This week, I joined a service called LEAP, it is a leadership service, focused on consolidating college service. In our first session, we worked mostly on introducing the service to the group. Ms.P, our service coordinator, explained to us the responsibilities of us as a group. We started exploring the previous years work with the […]

Grade 9 Expedition to Ladakh // NYAA

What Skills Have I Developed? How? There are many skills I have uncovered during this trip, some being physical and some mental. Some of the skills were expedition based, such as tenting, mapping, and packing. Other skills were character-based, such as empathy, collaboration, commitment, and perseverance. Setting up tents and figuring out the campsite dynamics […]