What has been the most influential meme of your generation and what does that say about your generation


I feel that memes have affected almost everyone on the internet. Many memes online have caused controversies and have sparked discussions in the news and all across the internet. However certain memes seem to have a lasting effect on certain people of a certain place, age or even generation.

In the video that I used as a reference, it talks about how memes have been affected by people taking it and using it in different ways, for example, “10 hour” videos. These get millions of views and since these videos are 10 hours people don’t always watch it but since it repeats, so many people tend to lose interest in the meme after a while, this is why only certain memes have a lasting effect on certain communities like the “Tide pod challenge” which could not really be 10 hour long clips but something like Nyan cat could. this is a reason why the meme died off faster.


  1. I agree with your points because it is very true how memes can die for example the nyan cat. Your blog is very good because the points which you have pointed out was good and is very nice to think deeply about it. Keep up the good work and have fun with your blog


  2. Assalamualikum Aditya,

    I do agree with your animadversions and feel that you have brought up a considerably interesting point. In my opinion, I feel that memes are quite bad for the people whos face has been put into the meme. They get treated like a joke and that is not good. What do you think about this?


  3. I agree with everything in here. I agree with the fact that memes have caused controversy and have sparked in depth discussion throughout the internet. Ved also wrote about this video/study, and I will repeat what I commented on his post, just so you can see my input on this study. I think that a ‘best meme’ cannot be decided, as there are so many memes out there, and every individual person has their own sense of humour, meaning some memes will appeal to someone much more than someone else, vice versa.

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