Will Your Phone Become More Important Than Your Social Life?

I came up with this question in class when we were discussing about social media and peoples perspectives on. I think that this question is a really interesting one because it allows us to dig deeper into what different people think about social media. Before people answer this question, I think that people need to consider if people actually use social media and if they are socially active on the internet. I think that I should avoid loading questions as people might get confused and might not be able to answer the question. I think that this question is relevant to our grade because most people are socially active and a lot of student depend on their phone for a lot for many different things related to their student life or their personal life.


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4 thoughts on “Will Your Phone Become More Important Than Your Social Life?

  • February 21, 2018 at 2:27 am

    In order to consider a wide range of perspectives related to your question, you have to consider people who use social media more versus those who don’t use it as much. I say this because those who might not use social media may be able to see better the way social media may be playing a big importance in some people’s lives who use social media a lot. Those who use it may not notice as much.

    • February 21, 2018 at 2:32 am

      Thank you very much for commenting on my post. I agree with you as social media could be a very important thing in peoples lives and without it, they wouldn’t be the person they are today.

  • February 21, 2018 at 2:33 am

    I think that this question is somewhat relevant because you can connect with people physically and you probably get the best relationship from your phones, but on social media, there is a wider range of viewers who you friend and spread your influence too. You are naturally drawn to your phones because of how much more you are exposed too. But if you do get more attracted to your phone then you may get more friends, but they’re not those friends that will kind of be there for you. They are the kind of friends that you can’t really develop a great relationship with unless you already know them physically. You need those physical relationships because they are very important to you for being more human (on the phone you can kind of say whatever you want, you will respond to the comment like a computer, you are not taking in that emotion.)

  • February 21, 2018 at 2:35 am

    I think most student’s social life is based on their phones but the time they spend with their friend in school is also pretty significant


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