Truity Types

My personality type which I am is an INFP which is called a mediator, on the website it talks about mediators being caring and helpful to others. One aspect of the personality which I can relate to very well is the Introverted part, this is because I do see myself as introverted because when I am resting or relaxing I would much rather be alone than be with anyone else because that way I can have some time for myself. Although at first, I was surprised and skeptical about my personality type because of a statistic about my personality type gaining the second lowest amount of income, I now agree because now when I am working I enjoy helping others much more than gaining any sort of profit. And by looking at examples of people which had similar personality types, I realized that I can relate really well to the ones I know.

Tabitha GC #1, 13th November 2018

When working in Tabitha my initial goal was to learn more about why the people in Cambodia was in need of help, but soon after entering the GC there was a talk about going to Cambodia for the grade 11s which can use their project week in order to give a much more direct experience to Tabitha GC, then my goal became to be able to go on this trip and see and help the Tabitha people in Cambodia, this will prove to be very fruitful as I will learn to plan a larger scale for a trip, with a larger amount of people. Unfortunately, because of the scale and timing of the trip, I will only be able to achieve my goal on a later date. But I will be able to record the progress that the GC group including me has made.

Currently, our GC is starting to plan joint events in order to try to gain funding for the trip as it will be more expensive than others because we will be buying and building houses in Cambodia, The LOs which I have been focusing on include, LO 3 and LO 7. This activity required me to use initiative because as a group, although I was not leading the GC, I had supported in giving my opinions and ideas on things we could do when we go on the project week in Cambodia, although my ideas were not fully used I think I should show more initiative by giving different iterations on my ideas.

I have used ethics to think on the people which I am learning more about and trying to support. It is really important to do so because it is hard to understand their situation so adapting our plans on how to support them in the way they need is crucial, especially when planning out more about our project week.

Special Olympics Badminton #2, 1st November 2018

At this point of the Service activity, all of us are quite familiar to the athletes and know quite well on how to interact with them, I have now had a partner athlete called Alex, something which I enjoy doing is playing badminton with him. At first, I had heard from many other members of the service that Alex Isn’t quite good at the sport and that he wasn’t very able to play it well, but I really doubted it. Touching upon LO7 I really think that all should have the same amount of opportunity, and those with a harder difficulty can still be able to achieve great heights regardless as long as they put effort and are given the opportunities to improving to such lengths. When I first played with Alex he was struggling with hitting the shuttle but as we played more in the session, I tried giving him tips on what actions to do and tried to be very supportive, to most peoples surprise he was then able to play quite well as we reached a rally of 9. I was not very surprised as I knew that Alex was able to achieve such a great feat with a short period of time.

Something else which had helped him improve was giving him some drills at the beginning of the session which we ran through, this shows LO3 which was when I created some moderated exercises in order to facilitate the progression on Alex’s hitting skills. Overall I am looking forward to having many more sessions with Alex and see the progress which I know he will achieve as I have already set up a goal of reaching over 30 hits of a rally between me and Alex.