Tabitha – Reflection 2 (LO: 4)

LO: 4

Tabitha recently had another event where the members of the group sold cupcakes and other baked goods. Our goal for this event at Wavelengths was to raise at least 200 Singaporean dollars to go towards funding house building trips in Cambodia. I found that throughout the process of this event myself and everyone in the group showed immense commitment to the group. Most of the members spent at least an hour of their own time outside of the scheduled meetings in order to prepare for the event. I did this by spending time baking cupcakes to be sold at the event, I found that it was fulfilling and enjoyable to be spending this time and have a sense of accomplishment by doing this. Many other group members also spent their own time and money into baking cupcakes and other baked goods in their homes to bring to the event. I am looking forward to the next event that as I am sure that the experience will allow everyone to show their commitment to the group and further develop their skills.

Tabitha – Reflection 1 (LO: 3)

LO: 3

Recently Tabitha had an event selling cupcakes and other baked goods at a play in order to raise funds for house building in Cambodia. Our goal for this event was to raise at least 500 Singaporean dollars to go towards funding houses in Cambodia. Personally, I found this event to be a challenging yet fulfilling experience as there were many processes we had to go through before the actual selling of the goods. The event itself involved many stages such as planning which goods we would sell, determining the quantity of the goods sold, and how we would produce these goods.

The initial planning of the event was slightly difficult as it was the first time we were organizing to do an event this large. However, we were able to give people specific roles to complete in the planning stages of this event which allowed us to progress smoothly and effectively. A few other people and I were responsible for determining and looking at the costs of making some of the goods that would be sold at the event. This involved some research into the types of ingredients we would use and how much of it we would use while keeping costs in mind.

After this, all of us were responsible for baking some of the determined goods before the event in order to ensure that we had enough product to sell to the guests of the play. Doing this stage properly was probably the most important part of the whole event because if we were unable to meet our goal quantity we would fall below the projected ideal revenue.

During the event, each person who was involved in selling the goods had a specific role which allowed us to operate more quickly and efficiently to ensure that we would sell as many products as possible in the time limit. The event itself was enjoyable and it was satisfying to see that our thorough planning paid off in the end.

Through this, I was able to initiate and plan an event which I had previously not done before. I learned a lot about how to plan these sorts of events and how to take the initiative in putting forth new ideas and opinions. Overall the event was a success for both myself and Tabitha.

Pottery – Reflection 2 (LO: 1)

LO: 1

This year of pottery has been an excellent activity that has exposed me to new experiences and allowed me to develop skills that I had not previously thought possible. When I first began the activity I was unsure of the challenges that I would face, however, I knew that these challenges would allow me to gain new skills through the struggles. Looking back on the year I find that there were many times when I had an ambitious idea for a project, yet lacked the necessary skills to execute on it. But it was through this lack of knowledge that I was able to reflect on myself and improve this weakness to work towards personal growth.

One such project was the construction of a pot with additional parts to it. I wanted to make a pot that had handles attached to it and other clay designs to the body of the pot. Initially, I was unsure of how I would attach the extra parts to the main body without having it break when going in the kiln. However, I learned of a skill called scoring that allowed extra pieces to be attached to a larger piece of clay without breaking in the kiln.

Going into the project I was aware of my weaknesses in pottery. Yet I was able to identify this weakness and work towards improving in through the process of this project. I believe that this project is a good representation of my approach towards pottery this year. While in the beginning, I was a bit unsure of my ability regarding pottery, I was able to properly identify my strengths and weaknesses which helped me work towards self-improvement and personal growth.

Religious Knowledge Systems TOK Day

Religion plays an important role in the lives of many people around the world. The values and beliefs that arise from religion are often fundamental in the development of their culture and identity. While there are many different religions around the world, all of them have a common belief that there exists something greater than ourselves. These beliefs of a higher power usually come in the form of a god or multiple gods. However, there are also a number of individuals who are skeptical about the existence of gods. Atheists and agnostics who do not follow a religion often question the validity of the knowledge gained from religion, as much of it comes from emotion and faith.

While religion may be largely based off of emotion and faith, reason is also a driving factor in the acquisition of knowledge in religion. Within many religious texts lie values and beliefs that arise through the study and interpretation of the words and stories of the text. A great deal of reason is required to determine the meaning of these different stories and to understand which interpretations may be more certain than others. Through the study of these religious texts come the values and beliefs that serve as the driving force for the religion to which the religious text belongs.

For atheists and other non-religious people, the problem with the knowledge acquired through religion stems from the lack of evidence or proof. Religious knowledge systems depend heavily on emotion and faith as well as complex interpretations of texts in order to find useful and meaningful knowledge. However, this is often not seen as valid evidence in proving the existence of gods. This leads to people doubting the certainty and importance of the knowledge gained through religion.

However, it is arguable that the values and beliefs that arise from these religious texts can still have importance despite the uncertainty of the existence of the god of said religion. The values and beliefs of different religions focus on improving the lives of people who may choose to follow them. These values and beliefs serve a purpose and assist in the development of people’s cultures and identities, and more often than not they help someone become a good person. One who may live their lives peacefully and fully.

While people may believe in different religions or doubt the validity of religion, it does not mean that the knowledge gained from religious systems is purposeless. Religion helps people develop their sense of identity and purpose in life, which is more than enough to show that the knowledge is useful. Similarly, those who do not follow a religion may not believe in the gods of religion, yet they may still find value in the knowledge gained from religion. As such, the values and beliefs that arise from religion have importance, even if the source of this knowledge may have uncertainty to it.

One core concept of religion is that you can have knowledge without being able to prove it, there are many areas of science that we are unable to prove yet we still believe it as true. Even if we are unable to prove the existence of gods or a higher power it does not mean that their existence is false.

Another concept for religion is that there are a set of values and morals that people follow to demonstrate their faith and participation within the religion. People who claim to be of a certain religion will generally live by the morals and values as a demonstration of their belief that the knowledge of religion is true and useful.

Another core concept is that religion has a figure of authority that guides followers and acts as a teacher for religion. Many people who study the religious texts of religion have knowledge regarding religion and are able to interpret and understand it so that they may teach other followers who may not spend as much time studying religious texts.

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