Unseen Text – Heart of Darkness

Text A 

  • How would you describe this voice?
  • To what extent does it help us understand Heart of Darkness?
  • What does this introduction to Lord Jim say about Conrad’s preoccupations, concerns, and style?

The voice of the this passage begins with a fairly frustrating tone as the author struggles to understand how some reviewers felt the need to point out the credibility of the novel and thus failed to have a more creative vision of the novel. However, as the text proceeds, the tone of the author alters to be more reflective as he explains the formation of Heart of Darkness.

The text helps us to understand how the Heart of Darkness is a “free and wandering tale,” in which the author has intended to leave plenty of room for his readers’ to come up with their own interpretations as they follow the “simple and sensitive character,” that Conrad has created. The novel that Conrad has wrote is very much reflective of how it was created. In the sense that the event (pilgrim ship episode) was the only thought that Conrad initially had for this story and the rest that followed was not planned.

It is the fact that men talked “all the time” and “other men to listen for so long,” that the author explained is what made the novel in fact “interesting.” The text shows how the author came to the revelation that it is the “listeners’ endurance” that reasons why this novel is worth reading and more importantly writing in the first place.



Paper 1 Reflection

Something I did well:

  • Pay attention to the isolated line, and how it is used as a turning point
  • Deep insights

Something I would like to do better:

  • Properly differentiating between “the speaker,” “the poet,” “persona,” and “his.”
  • Giving convincing arguments for lineation and the intention of the poet (e.g. enjambment)
  • More careful attention to small details
    • e.g. quoting correctly and therefore interpreting a metaphor correctly
  • More variation in terms of vocabulary
  • Better presentation of ideas in general.


Pottery CAS Reflection 1

LO5 Collaboration

Although my peers and I made our pottery products individually, the initial process of planning and discussing how we should approach our projects was definitely a collaborative effort. As the students who I worked with as well as myself were fairly new to pottery and the mechanisms behind what makes an aesthetically pleasing and sturdy pot, we found our first few sessions challenging. However, we decided to take an entire lesson to plan and brainstorm what we would like to make. Due to the vast amount of freedom we had to decide what we would like to make, this process was difficult but also incredibly creative. Ultimately, by the end of the lesson we were able to form individual ideas of our first project in this activity, through online research and also by asking questions to the teacher supervisors who already had pre-existing knowledge of pottery.

I believe that through our collaboration, we were able to discover new ideas as well as suggest our known. This meant that the ideas we had were endless, which gave us a great imagination and sense of creativity, which is crucial for being successful in this activity.

LO6 Global Value

Although I had not initially thought of the global significance of pottery, I began to get an idea of how pottery can be used on a global scale and carry important functions other than decorative elements. In this activity itself, although I am focusing on aesthetic pieces, I did carry out initial research which led to me to how ceramics are used in global development. What I learnt was that the use of ceramics as technology could be used to revolutionise industrial processes on a smaller scale. What I found most striking was that some cook stoves can cause pollution, and that women and children in developing countries suffer from respiratory illnesses such as pneumonia, caused my smoke and fumes caused by cook stoves and lack of ventilation. Sustainable ceramic technologies can be used to reduce these fumes as well as treat pathogen-contaminated water. This type of technology is not only sustainable but also has low costs which makes it a suitable alternative for daily appliances.  After my initial projects which are mainly decorative elements, I hope to carry out additional research to investigate how I could create something that promotes the global advantages of using ceramics. Lastly, I think that even by conducting individual research on pottery, I was able to grasp a deeper understanding of how this material can be used globally and carry such importance.