Chinese A Literature Paper 2


1. 本篇卷二论文的结构有什么特点?

  • 以主题爱与死亡开头,介绍两篇文本
  • 环境描写-文本一
  • 环境描写-文本二
  • 过渡句–引出下一个写作手法“象征”
  • 象征–文本一
  • 象征–文本二
  • 结论


  • 频繁运用引文,并且在每一个论据的结尾都上升到了主题爱与死亡,扣题。
  • 将主题上升到国际,用不同种族来突出爱可以跨越一切。
  • 即使是在分析环境描写,作者依然分析了不同的写作手法以及它们是如何让环境描写变得更加生动形象的。Lit-p2_example_A_zh

3. 划出本篇论文对所评论文本文学手法的评论

4. 与自己平日所写文章相对比,本文在语言方面有哪些可以借鉴之处

  • 过渡句的运用以及开头段的写作方法十分巧妙自然。开头运用了解释主题并且将主题逐渐落实到两篇文本上,循序渐进,过渡自然。
  • 两个不同的写作手法的转折和过渡也写的非常好,运用了承上启下的手法。

“ 有个说法认为文学只是谈及爱情与死亡。以你选修的两部作品为基础,讨论这个说法的正确性。”

PSE reflection

Is porn good or bad?

From our learning today, I think that porn does provide some theoretical knowledge or at least provide an insight to sex, in order for people to understand the concepts of sex better. However, most of the times it is not realistic as it glamorise sex in order to create a pleasant impression to the audience. Therefore, porn can be having negative effects on people’s perspectives on sex as it is far off from reality. As long as people do no over rely on the false impressions of porn and do not have false expectations to sex, porn is still good. If porn has created unrealistic fantasies on the real sex life, that can be one of the negative effect it has on real life.

CAS development reflection – boxing

I took boxing for the first two seasons, and really learnt a lot of techniques and gained strengths from it. One thing I learnt the most is the importance of automaticity  and how to make combos based on what we have already learnt. I did Muay Thai outside of school as well, but I did it as a one to one session so the way my coach teach me is to give me the cues instead of let me make up my own combinations. Training your body to get use to the automatic response is very helpful as when you are sparring with someone you really need to be able to react quickly. Every session we learn how to make combinations by ourselves. Coach will provide us possible combinations and we need to use our existing knowledge to choose the best ones for us.

I also gained some fitness as other than learning techniques, we also had physical trainings every session excluding the warm ups.


CAS – Dance Showcase initial

I was always wanted to join dance showcase as I have been dancing for ten years now. In my old school, there was barely any chance for me to perform. However, as soon as I came to the school I heard that there is a dance showcase every year, so I decided to participate.

I mainly do Chinese dance, but also do contemporary dance. I decided that I should do a Chinese dance solo piece in order to show diversity. The theme of the dance showcase is a night at the movies, and one iconic movie I decided to do is the “crouching tigger, hidden dragon”. This is a traditional Chinese action film which has Chinese martial arts elements, and lots of action scenes used swords. In Chinese dance, sword is a commonly used prop, and I thought that it will be great if I can choreograph a dance using a sword.

I also decided to go to auditions for other dances. Since I mainly did Chinese dance and contemporary dance, I really wanted to try out other types of dances. I auditioned for “Chicago” and “footloose”, which are two jazzy dance pieces.

CAS reflection final – DJ club


This is basically what I have achieved at the end of the session. From the two seasons of practicing, I had a basic understanding on when to cue the next track, and various ways to transit in to the next track. In this video, I learned how to use hot cues, which is a specific part of the whole track that you can cue to transit into. I also got more familiar with how to transit into the next track by finding the beat drop and using the mixer to lower the tone and etc.

Through doing this creativity, I achieved learning outcome 1 and learning outcome 2. I knew that music has always been a part that I’m lacking, and I have been trying to avoid challenges like. However, from doing DJ club, I developed a new skill although this is only the beginning of it. From not knowing anything about music to being able to transit smoothly from one track to another is definitely challenging to me. At first I was afraid of failing and was not as confident as I know this is my weakness. But as I practice, I started to get the fun of it and really enjoyed it. I also got to know the differences between the different genres of music as we practiced merging different types of music. I originally didn’t like to embrace stuff that I wasn’t familiar with, but after DJ club I started noticing myself listening to more music regardless of their genre. This is a big change for me as I used to be quite picky and is less likely to try out something new.