I believe that ethically it is a journalist’s job to report on an issue from as neutral of a perspective as possible. I think this is important because the readers’ opinion and perspective on the issue can so easily be influenced, and it shouldn’t be influenced by a possibly emotionally induced report. However, this being said I do appreciate that to sell newspapers or magazines, for example, most of the time there needs to be a headline which will trigger emotion in the readers. This means that the line between being able to sell being the priority and being ethical is very fine.

I personally don’t have a definite answer on what the role of a journalist is because obviously it is a job and for most journalists, they will need/want to make money from it. I do believe though that all information presented to the reader needs to be factual or based on fact as otherwise, it is literally fake news. This is the area which I can say with confidence a journalist shouldn’t participate in.

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