LeNormand Card Reading

These are the three cards I received, and I believe they relate to my life in a number of ways.  I believe the moon represents two things, a change in my social image and personality, and a change in my attitude towards school and work overall.

Firstly, after the circuit breaker came to an end, I went on a ‘social spree’ of sorts, meeting a new friend every day (while maintaining safe distancing and practising good sanitation). This slowly, however, started to slow down as grade 11 came near, with my need to focus on my self and self-reflection crashing down on me like rain on the streets of a foggy Singapore in the morning. Along with this need for self-reflection came a new sense of discipline in me, a need for regularity that has been missing in my normal aloof self. I started to crave consistency, drilling myself to do what I do better, and I slowly began to forget to communicate with those around me as often as I used to.

This links well to the next card, the whip. I believe that after my IGCSE grades were released, I began to change my outlook on myself and my priorities. My connections and relationships with people began to slowly lose their importance in the podium of priorities the rules my decisions, and my need to be ‘better ‘ raced ahead taking its place. This could be due to my realisation that I am not content with being ‘good enough’, as the straight-A report card I received made me feel nothing but the disappointment that I did not push myself harder. Since then, I have been consistently going to the gym, reflecting. upon who I am as a person and what I want to achieve, and trying to find ways in which I can excel in these upcoming 2 years.

While bettering myself has overtaken my social needs, holding a mirror up to myself has lead to the realisation that I need to make sure I treat those who are important to me well. I have always been one to try and socialise with as many people as I can, but the idea of ‘less is more’ has begun to appeal to me in a social context. I have started to realise that I will not have the time or energy to maintain a multitude of relationships, and I need to invest in those that I can trust to take care of me at my worst and celebrate with me at my best.

One Reply to “LeNormand Card Reading”

  1. Aryan, this is very thoughtful —I think you most definitely CAN achieve a balance between “discipline” and work and being a good companion/loyal friend/social person. The moon comes and goes —it doesn’t have to be a 50-50 balance on a dailly basis, but might take the form of cycles or revolutions (balanced over time).

    Anyway, I think if you can read like this —you’re this comfortable with metaphor and interpretation— you’re going to like Literature.

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