Try 4 Cambodia

This year, Try4Cambodia hosted a huge dodgeball event for Grade 9 on the 19th and 21st of March. It was a big success for the GC as we raised $264.70, along with the previous collections from the Grade 10 dodgeball event we raised a total of $516.20. Unfortunately we couldn’t reach our goal of $500 per grade. The reason we thought this happened was because people either don’t know about how much to bring or don’t have enough money.. We think to improve we can maybe bring the tournaments to a lower age as they are more likely to bring money since their parents are more engaged.  We could also make our message and what are GC is about more meaningful to make people feel empathy or sympathy.

Rock Band

For rock band this season, our band performed in many events and assessmblies. We have begun works on recording a second piece and are planning on performing during the end of year assembly. We have uploaded 4 songs up to spotify and are working hard on a 5th. In the past month, our band has performed in two different events and one grade assembly. I have been playing with this band for about three years now and we have composed 5 songs in that time. In these 2 years, I started off being very afraid of appearing in front of a large audience of people and as such did not take part in many events. With this band, however, I find myself getting more and more comfortable with larger crowds and performing in general. Our first performance this year was in the 10 year anniversary of the campus. We performed 4 songs that we had been practicing for about 2 weeks. The hard work paid off and we had a great performance. We also got gigs outside of school. We also played at unplugged and are planning on playing in graduation as well.

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