Stakeholders: Link between PCF and UWC

This service is in partnership with the PAP Community Foundation (PCF), a charitable organization that is committed to creating a multi-racial and inclusive community through education and welfare care.

This service is needed to enhance the education and lives of children with 2 working parents who are part of a lower income bracket of society. This is done through the implementation of activities in a fun and engaging way whilst catering to the intended audience appropriately. This is essential in order to achieve the intended result. This service promotes creativity and innovation as well as serves as a fun expenditure of energy all the while incorporating an education aspect to ensure their learning. We can also try to include topics they are currently learning at school to help build connections and strengthen their understanding of what they are learning. These kids often have 2 working parents. We try to enrich the understanding of the future generation to hopefully enable them to do better for themselves and provide them with the tools and opportunities to do so.