Student Portfolio

The Story of My Learning Starts Here

Month: August 2019

Difference in ads between cultures

This is an ad from Coca Cola in Atlanta. It shows the “American culture” of going to football games and enjoying a drink with friends. Usually when the home team scores, many Americans clink their glasses together before taking a sip. Doing this has become a tradition every time the preferred team scores and by creating this ad,  the feeling of comfort and memories come back to citizens as they remember the enjoyment of watching a game with friends. Although there are many other countries which have football stadiums which often sell out, drinking Coca Cola specifically is a tradition in American cultures while in other countries like England, Coca Cola is not always the main drink of choice.


This ad is also by Coca Cola but it is in India. As a sign of respect, Indians always serve their guests with a surplus of food and drinks when they come to their house.  It is seen as a part of being a welcoming Indian. Through this ad, the brand is able to reach most Indians as they can all relate to the feeling of having to prepare something for guests. Here, Coca Cola provides them with a ready-made alternative that tastes nice which would fit into their needs. This ad would not have the same effect or even make sense in western countries as they do not have the same emphasis on serving guests as Indian culture does.


Conceptual Understandings

  • Religion tends to be more based on faith while natural science tends to be based on logic
  • Ethics is always about beliefs and truths
  • The Arts provides more room for interpretation than Mathematics which is based on certainty

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