Arundhati Roy – Final Reflection


The voice of Arundhati Roy is powerful, in her essays she discusses issues in society using examples, in which a lot of them revolve around society vs government. She discusses these issues with neither caution or fear of what the backlash of her statements could be because she stands by her values and beliefs, I think this makes her an idol to some people due to her self belief that she is fighting for the right reason and if something is wrong there should be no fear in mentioning it. The style of her writing is represent by her voice, it is extremely to the point and references a lot of similar situations around the world, her use of literary devices add depth to her points and further interest the reader who then wants to dwell further into the issue and her reason for writing about it. Such as in her essay; The End of Imagination – 1998″ she condemns India’s nuclear tests and its construction of enormous dam projects that continue to displace countless people from their homes and communities. It discusses the true repercussions of this form of warfare as well as the suppressed arguments made against it. It also includes her circulated and inspiring writings on the U.S. invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, and the need to confront corporate power by hollowing out of democratic institutions globally. Her use of literary devices too add another realm and further the strength of her points; such as Rhetorical questions: What shall we do then, those of us who are still alive? Nuclear war has adverse effects on its survivors. The rhetorical questioning shows how there is no answer, how much such warfare would severely disrupt human lives and there would be nothing we would be able to do, it also helps get the reader question the discussion and thinking about her points and the essay’s purpose.

Richard Flanagan – Guardian Article

The article is not written only to promote Flanagan but to also provide the readers a fresh, new perspective on lockdown and the beauty of it. the target audience of the article are the Australians, the people who are familiar with him and his book but the article may also target the general public as everyone is going through lockdown and Covid – with majority of people struggling. The context of the article is focusing on the Covid – 19 pandemic and the struggles that come with it especially for the people who are isolated from everyone else, as it was written and published on September 19th. The style of the article is that of like an interview in which the writer account for a large amount of Flanagan’s words as well as his pauses and breaths, which makes it seem more like a transcript than an interview. The interview too is performed on the phone due to the Covid – 19 pandemic which adds a further Irony and depth to it as the discussion revolved around the effects of the pandemics on people and their way of living in today’s day and age.

क्या सूरज का सातवाँ घोड़ा उपन्यास का उपयुक्त शीर्षक है?

पुस्तक का शीर्षक एक उपयुक्त शीर्षक है, क्योंकि यह पुस्तक के सभी मुख्य विचारों और विषयों को शामिल करता है। माणिक-कथा चक्र में दिनों की संख्या रखने का कारण संभवतः सूर्य के सात घोड़ों पर आधारित था। कहानियाँ प्रेम को चित्रित नहीं करती हैं लेकिन वे आज के जीवन को चित्रित करती हैं। तो वास्तव में सूर्य के रथ को आगे बढ़ना है। ऐसा हुआ है कि सूर्य के रथ को हमारी कक्षा की गलियों, अनैतिक, भ्रष्ट और अंधकारमय जीवन में चलने से बुरी तरह से तोड़ दिया गया है। वह घोड़ा भविष्य का घोड़ा है, जो तन्ना, जमुना और सत्ती के छोटे बच्चों का बच्चा है; जिसका जीवन हमारे जीवन से अधिक शांत, अधिक शुद्ध, अधिक प्रकाश, अधिक अमृत होगा। वह सातवाँ घोड़ा हमारी पलकों में भविष्य के और वर्तमान के नए आकलन के सपने भेजता है ताकि हम वह रास्ता बना सकें जिस पर भविष्य का घोड़ा आएगा।सातवां घोड़ा तेजस्वी और बहादुर है और हमें अपना ध्यान और उस पर अपना विश्वास बनाए रखना चाहिए, जबकि अन्य 6 घोड़े कमजोर और संघर्षरत हैं। हमें जो कुछ भी कम मात्रा में है उसे ढूंढना चाहिए और उस पर विश्वास करना चाहिए। 

Glengarry Glen Ross

What is this play about?

Glengarry Glen Ross is a play written by David Mamet, which focuses on the story of a group of salesmen based in Chicago. The play occurs when the group of salesmen become part of a competition in which only the top 2 salesmen will get to keep their jobs at the end of the month and shows the limits the salesmen are willing to go to in order to keep their jobs and get the best leads. 


Is it staggeringly inarticulate?

Unlike most plays, Glengarry glen ross is much more casual and common play in terms of its storyline which is a group of salesmen are fighting to keep their jobs, the conversations that occur in the play are a lot of banter and casual conversation which you may hear in real life. However it is the situation that attracts the readers and viewers and the tone at which these conversations occur. The techniques used in this play are much more subtle, yet as effective, than other plays.


How is the movie different?

The movie adds a lot more drama to the storyline and there are a couple of new characters added into the movie to create more tension and give a better background to the storyline in order for the audience to understand better. There is a slight deviation in the conversations to make the scenes more dramatic and interesting.


लेखक ने पहले और दूसरे अध्याय में किन-किन सामाजिक समस्या को दिखाया है?

पुस्तक सुराज की सातवाँ घोडा धर्मवीर भारती द्वारा लिखित है। पुस्तक 25 दिसंबर 1926, इलाहाबाद, उत्तर प्रदेश में लिखी गई थी। पहले 2 अध्याय के दौरान लेखक ने भारत के निम्न और मध्यम वर्ग में आज के दिन और उम्र में काफी कुछ सामाजिक मुद्दों का उल्लेख और विश्लेषण किया है. लेखक ने इन सामाजिक मुद्दों का चरित्रों के माध्यम से विश्लेषण और आकलन किया है और जिस तरह से वे व्यवहार करते हैं, उसने पात्रों का उपयोग किया है इसलिए पाठक इन मुद्दों को बेहतर तरीके से समझते हैं। लेखक ने जिन सामाजिक मुद्दों को संबोधित किया है; जातिगत भेदभाव, कम उम्र की शादी, दहेज, गैर-असर वाली महिलाओं के साथ समस्या जो इसके कारण भेदभाव का सामना करती हैं, महिलाओं की शिक्षा और अंधविश्वास। वह इन मुद्दों का काफी विस्तार से विश्लेषण करता है, निश्चित रूप से किसी के पक्ष में और अधिक लोगों से संबंधित है।

Activity Reflection 8

Over the past month, due to the current situation and being in tbe boarding house, it has been hard to keep my fitness up. I have been unable to play any sports, however I have been able to cycle and run around the campus of school which has a perimeter of 1.01 km. I feel that the current situation of lockdown has made me think outside the box and discover new things about myself. It has also made me realise that you don’t always need a gym to stay fit. I have been able to learn about new passions such as cycling which I haven’t done for almost 5 years but I’m now throughly enjoying it again.

Service Reflection 6

Due to the current situation and the cancellation of all public gathering our service doesn’t have much to do. However during this tough situation we have decided to improve on some aspects of our service such as our portfolio which we have been working on for the past few weeks and this has been pretty successful. As I have the role of logisitics in our service I have been leading the disucssion during these meeting and they have been going quite well as everyone is doing the work they are assigned and we are on course to finish our portfolio work by next week.

Activity Reflection 7 – Squash

Due to the current situation, it has been hard for me to play and practice for squash, all the tournaments have been canceled too which has been a major problem and disappointment for me. I have been keeping up my fitness here in the boarding house by running and cycling around the campus every day and also doing gymming in my room. Squash has played a big part in my life and my growth both physically and mentally. It has helped me learn the true meaning of mental strength and has taught me that being physically fit is one thing but being mentally fit is another thing and is just as important. It has taught me to be humble in both losses and victories and has also brought me to realize that losses are a person’s best learning points and always think about your losses to improve yourself but at the same time move on from them.

Activity 6 – Track and Field

Over the course of the season playing badminton and doing track and field was quite hard to manage with schoolwork due to the many training it had a week but I think it was worth all that time and effort. Both activities taught me a lot of values and made me learn a lot of things about myself. Track and field have helped me improve my communication and collaboration skills especially through the relays as you have to time the passing of the baton to perfection to get the best run and result. It has also pushed me physically and mentally, like when we do fitness tests such as the beep test and it made me dig deep both physically and mentally to win and go furthest in the test. Doing track and field has also made me learn a lot about people I normally don’t talk to and this has improved and created new friendships for me.

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