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How can we know that current knowledge is an improvement upon past knowledge?

on September 22, 2020

First object: Diary

These are my diary notes that I have been using since Grade 5 which means I have been noting my main events for more than five years. There are many people who write diaries for tracking the small things and thoughts that people have thought of or felt.

Many people learn from the past events where they have done something wrong. By writing a diary, it allows people to reflect on themselves and improve the knowledge of how the person can do in certain circumstances which leads them to improve infinitely. In addition to that, there is many different evidence which proves that writing the thoughts can destress themselves as well as improving the person’s creativity. This idea was developed from the belief that a diary can be a good source to destress. Based on this belief, scientific evidence has proven that diary entries are good for mental health.

I think this object shows that the current knowledge is an improvement upon the past knowledge because as I mentioned before, we can always refer back to what we have done wrongly and will help us not to repeat the same mistake again. By writing a diary, there will be a record of yourself, thus, it is a useful source to analyse yourself and trends of your behaviour through the past events. These can show how past knowledge that we gained from our experiences allow us to improve on the current knowledge of what happens when we do certain things in a certain way. Furthermore, it can be evidence of it since it also shows how psychological fields have improved based on the past knowledge.

Second object: Ptolemaic theory map

This object is a world map which was written during the 2nd century AD. This map was written in the era when people believed ptolemaic theory.  The map also represents how people thought the earth is flat and there is an unknown world/ creature living at the edge of the world. In this map, the unknown creature is represented as humans who are blowing winds towards the earth. 

These theories are now changed and proved by multiple different types of evidence including mathematical and scientific evidence. Ptolemaic theories have been denied by Copernicus. He thought ptolemaic theory is too contrived, thus, he has researched by himself to satisfy his doughnuts. Also, the belief that the earth is flat has been officially rejected by Ferdinand Magellan and Juan Sebastián Elcanoand in the 16th century when they went on a trip around the world.  

This object can be the object to prove that current knowledge is an improvement from the past knowledge. This is because the new knowledge is built up from the current knowledge. Copernicus questioned the previous theory and thought carefully what does not fit the idea, thus, he was able to come up with an idea that was able to be proven later on via scientific, mathematical and technical evidence. In addition, it communicates how gaining wider range of knowledges caused the theory to be proven by evidence. Due to the knowledges we had about astronomy and machinery enabled us to predict more precise data and to physically go to space.

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