CAS Reflection 5#

How does CAS impact and/or enhance your wellness?

Personally, not all of my CAS has an impact on my wellness but I feel like badminton really helps me with my wellness. I feel active and all the exercising helps me with my muscles and my fitness. I know that I am the type of person who doesn’t exercise unless I am being told. Because I sign up for badminton, it was a good opportunity for me to take care of my wellness and I do not regret it.

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Badminton Reflection

After doing try-outs for a week or so, the results for the team were decided. I got into the C team which I did not mind. That just meant that I have more time to improve myself in playing the games.

We had a match on 24th February against Dover. Unfortunately, some of us did not have the chance to play against Dover. Instead, we were paired up to play against our own teams. All of us were randomly paired up with different team members. For the first round, we played solo and doubles against the East. For single matches, both of us won and the same goes for double. For the second match, we were teamed up to play against Dover but we did not have enough time to finish the match as it was time to go home.

In conclusion, it was a great experience to play against our own teammates. I learned to relax and focus during my matches. Despite the lack of experience in playing competition like others, winning against a match with East, my friends, made me feel like I’ve achieved something and I am looking forward to having more competition in the future.

Posted in CAS

CAS Reflection #5

Does CAS actually have the capacity to change who you are?

Yes, it actually does. I signed up for Arts and Crafts with PPIS Child Care Center and Initiative For Peace (IFP) for season 1 to 4 and Badminton for season 2 and pre-season.


For IFP, it made me interact with a lot of people at the same time. I am an introvert when I am with new people and I lack self-confidence when it comes to stating my own opinions. However, during my time there, it forced me to interact and open up my perspectives.

Arts & Crafts with PPIS Child Care Center

The same goes for Arts and Crafts. Even though my past experience with kids has not been well and I do not enjoy their company most of the time, this service made me think about my decisions in a different approach. It made me want to interact with them more and I find myself enjoying their company from time to time.


I am a very inactive person when it comes to sport activities. However, when I signed up for badminton pre-season, I find myself enjoying the activity and practices. Even though they are hard and tiring, it gave me joy and bliss. Thus, I even signed up for the season in-game and I got into C team.

All in all, all the activities and services that I participated in made me change as a person in a good and better way. Without it, I would not have realized my potentials and might still be hiding in a nutshell, in my own bubble. The activities forced me to look and try new things and I am grateful for the activities that I signed up for.

Arts and Crafts with PPIS Child Care Center

Shortly after season one ended, the grade 10s who worked with us had to go. On that day, we reflected on all of the activities that we did – things that were successful or things that were challenging.

Then next week, new members joined – the grade 9s. For them, we started off with an ice-breaking activity where we introduced ourselves and later on, our chairs explained what the service was about. We spend that week discussing about how we can make things work since we couldn’t continue our activities because of Covid-19. Our activities were held to a stop.

We brainstormed our ideas in Conference Room 2 when we had a meeting with Mr. Hannah. It was just to meet and talk about what we should do and some ideas about the services.

Posted in CAS