#1 Reflection of HS Student Alumni and Foundation Council

Our first day of the activity was just trying to get to know what the service is about and what they do in general. The first task was to choose the top 3 memorable events in 2019 so we all brainstorm the events. Then we chose what’s the most common answer for all of us and we assigned ourselves to write a paragraph about it along with pictures. Our group brainstormed what to write and I was assigned to do research on the topic. I was never confident in my own skills when it comes to researching and presenting what I found but I realize that was not the case. My friends were supportive enough to comfort and encourage me. I could feel myself gaining confidence and have the courage to openly speak what I learnt. Even though the first days were challenging, on the day of presenting our ideas, I was able to do well and we proceeded with our service.

Posted in CAS

HS Student Alumni & Foundation Council Reflection 1#

Hearing about the activity made me excited and look forward to it every week since it is such an amazing thing to do for the previous UWC students. Since I love the community here so much, it was a wonderful chance for me to express and participate in this activity.

Through my friend, I was able to find out about this activity, and before the October break, we mainly did two things. We first got introduced to the activity in more depth, what the activity does in general, and organizing events for Alumni. We then brainstormed all the significant or meaningful events that took place in 2019-2020. We chose three main events we all agree on and divided ourselves to take responsibility for writing the topic.


Posted in CAS

What strengths have I discovered through CAS?

During CAS, I’ve discovered that I determination in attending and practicing. Especially in Badminton last year, I would go to practice as well as for games to compete against other schools. During practice, I would show up without fail with a dedication in mind. The same applies to Arts and Crafts with PPIS Child Care Centre. I love engaging with people and I was having fun while attending the service. There, I discovered that I have strength in communicating and engaging with people. The same goes for Initiative For Peace. The ability to collaborate with others and interact with them are one of the strengths I’d discovered.

Arts Club Reflection – First day of the Activity

This week Tuesday, we started the activity on Arts Club where we make any type of art we like in the class. I used this opportunity to work on my Art on Comparative Study. It was a chill class and all of us were either painting, drawings sketching. Majority of them were drawing digitally. Maybe next week, I’ll try to use the digital device as well.

Have you made progress? What’s next?

During the first couple of months until January was my learning months. The line was slowly going up on the graph.

I’ve been learning a lot from my CAS (IFP, Arts and Crafts with PPIS Childcare Center, Badminton). I’ve been learning life skills, social skills, thought-provoking skills, and critical thinking skills. As much as I enjoy learning the skills, shortly after April break, the line on the graph started to decline down due to COVID-19 outbreak.

Although we could not do any social activities, we continued the activity virtually. We had meetings every Tuesday after school and we would discuss what to do next if the school were to open again. We were planning ahead to what comes next. I would say that the line was slowly but gradually starting to go up again.

Even though we couldn’t get to do any of the activities we have planned, I was fortunate enough to have learnt a lot of skills from my services.

Updates on my Arts and Crafts with PPIS Child Care Center


Due to the COVID-19 situation, unfortunately the school has decided to shut down after April break and we haven’t gone back to school since then. This means that we also could not continue meeting with our service partners and have to put a halt to our services. It is unfortunate but we tried to find ways to still communicate with them. However, since they are 4 – 5 years olds, it is very hard for them to communicate with us as well.

What’s new?

We are hoping to find something we could do for the children and recently, we thought of an idea where we make a short 30 seconds video for the kids and combine them. We told them to take care of themselves and stay safe! I think this will make the children happy and hopefully, they haven’t forgotten about us.


Even though we are not certain whether the school is going to be open or not, if it opens, we will prepare plans and activities for the kids beforehand so that we won’t be rushing on things.

Posted in CAS

CAS Reflection 5#

How does CAS impact and/or enhance your wellness?

Personally, not all of my CAS has an impact on my wellness but I feel like badminton really helps me with my wellness. I feel active and all the exercising helps me with my muscles and my fitness. I know that I am the type of person who doesn’t exercise unless I am being told. Because I sign up for badminton, it was a good opportunity for me to take care of my wellness and I do not regret it.

Posted in CAS