What things do I know about G11 life

The summer holidays were all and well. But as the date etched closer to 13th August, the mind starts running with anxiety again. The fear of catching up with learning, making new friends or even getting used to how big the school is. Even seeing the pristine pulchritude of the school keeps me on edge.

However, upon Akanksha’s well composed portfolio. I have come to gather a whole new mindset for the upcoming year. From CAS to Extended Essays, even down to the nitty gritty details, such as daily happenings around school. One thing peaked my interest from her post, was all the service that I could partake in. Seeing how she embraced her abnormalities, and taking a step in the right direction by helping those that have conditions worse than hers. Helping children around the world, Chiang Mai being one of those destinations. She helped them embrace a better education, correctly implemented healthcare and breaking them in with social skills.

Now looking back at how anxious I was, it was all for naught, as I now understand that G11, specifically in UWC will be a blast of a good time. This short two years here will surely be cast in gold for a long time.



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