Gr10 GPERS CCP Reflection

During my final part of my GPers (Global Perspectives) coursework, I had to work with a group to work on a sustainability project at school or in Singapore. For my Critical Challenge Project (the project name), we (my two group members and I) decided to work on water management and see if we could do anything to help with the school and the school’s community usage of water. We looked into several different perspectives from the government to Nathan Hunt (sustainability director at UWCSEA), the Facilities office and several global perspectives. We finally decided to work on presenting to the Grade 3s who were currently studying about water. They knew a lot about water and decided to focus on the awareness of what our school is already doing. It did help consolidate their learning, however, I am frustrated that I couldn’t do a lot for the project. I was not satisfied with the work I had done because awareness is really not that big of an issue in UWC and we didn’t do any real action. I feel like there is a lot more I can do. Fortunately, sustainability and especially the sustainability of the environment is an issue and area that I have cared about for a long time and have done several actions of my own to combat this issue.

Greta Thunberg, who is a Swedish environmental Activist (and only 16 years old) is very well known in my home country of Sweden. This image below is Greta Thunberg holding up a sign that says “Skolstrejk för klimatet”

I admire Greta Thunberg activism because she is just only slightly older than me but has done so much even though she is so young. I am already involved with many climate change movements and actions. My project was successful but it wasn’t enough. I wish I just could have done more just like Greta but I didn’t. However, as mentioned before, I am already doing a lot. But even then, I still don’t feel I am doing an enormous impact. Here in Singapore, we cannot go on strike for school as my Swedish friends and family could in Sweden. I couldn’t be part of it. Greta has got the attention of many people around the world to be inspired to do change.

In terms of the actions that I have taken, I have tried to reduce my impact on the environment at home. My family is more actively aware of our water and energy usage. We try to produce less waste, for instance, we bring our own containers and cutlery when we need ti when going out and instead of wrapping paper, we use reusable cloth. Furthermore, we also eat less meat than we used to and if we do eat meat, it is mostly chicken and fish but not beef (It is quite hard due to our love of meat in many dishes). We never use any unnecessary plastic (we actually use almost no plastic) and never use an unreusable straw. We compost our scraps and do not have a car. We bike, walk, skateboard or run to wherever we need to go. Moreover, I have been a part of several campaigns with IKEA and SWEDCHAM to convince the Singaporean government to change their laws. I am apart of several environmental services (minimal impact) but I am apart of Solar For East which is direct action and something I have truly felt like I have done something good.

Already now, one can see that young people can make a change like the small things I have done ore the big action that Greta has done. Sustainability is a critical issue as it dictates the future and especially my generation. I do have the perspective that the environment is the most important issue today since otherwise, we won’t be able to live. All other problems seem almost petty when realising the massive consequences of not doing anything environment wise. Sure, LGBTQ+ rights, homelessness, world hunger, poverty and more are all important issues but collectively we will all be able to live. People will suffer but everyone will still be able to live. However, everyone will suffer if nothing happens or no change happens to the environment. Thus, from this point, this is what concludes and supports my perspective that it is the most important issue.