Viva Voce

Perhaps the largest issue presented when I was writing my EE was time. Between the initiation of the first draft and the conclusion, I formally learned about the macroeconomic theory I used in my EE, wrote my macroeconomic IA and new papers and secondary data had cropped up which invalidated previous ideas posited or expanded upon preexisting claims. It can be said that my methodology used to arrive at my conclusion was effective given my current resources as it allowed for the extension of work done by those with access to a wider array of resources in addition to achieving a balanced view of sources. However, the main flaw with this approach is the low variety of authors due to the recency of the issue. Thus, if I were offered an opportunity to reattempt this, I would write it at a later date when the range of available data and sources can allow for a more balanced approach. Additionally, I would advise future students undertaking this process to choose an area that has been covered in class already and be very clear on what idea you want to pursue from the outset.