Inkling- Logo , First task

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Today I was actually really excited to see the inkling logos everywhere in the school as a way to promote the school magazine. I was also nervous as now people are going to see my work online. I know people were going to read it but this was the first time I actually felt that the whole school is going to read it. There is always a fear in me that I might be judged on something and I feel sometimes it’s not good enough to be in front of people but then there was also a sense of pride as its going to be my magazine, my work.

Today we were also assigned our task about how and what are we going to do. We were supposed to think carefully about what we want to submit. Every piece should have to have a meaning on what I needed to do as it was going to be a school magazine and nothing should be offensive to anyone. I had to carefully think about my work and decided that I will try at least to submit 10 pieces of work.

My first submission was about the boarding house weekend away followed by culturama. About culturama, I had decided to take photos of Ethiopian dance and what I learnt throughout my journey.

The main problem I feel that I will face apart from my language issue is time management. I think I might face a problem in managing my school work and submission dates. I will try to complete my inkling work during the lunch meeting on Monday.

Inkling- First reflection

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The decision of joining inkling was made as I like writing, as well as drawing for self-satisfaction. I feel writing is a way of relaxing stress. Writing gives me self-satisfaction and makes me feel better as a lot of negative thoughts are released. Writing has always been an important part of my life. Till now I have been writing in Hindi that’s my first language for self-reflection. I have been writing in English but it is used more formally to write either essays or letter in school.

Inkling for me is going to be a challenge as English is not my first language. When it comes to writing personal reflection I am more comfortable using my first language. Writing in English makes me little uncomfortable as I feel short of words and I cannot express freely what I want to speak.

I feel inkling will provide me with a great platform to express my opinion in front of a lot of people. It is also a great platform to raise my opinion on certain things that I feel strongly about. Its a great way of my expression as I don’t, like being in front of the camera. It will help me solve my language issue and I will be writing for my own enjoyment and I will have an audience to refer to.