DJ club- LO5-Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively.

Now that I have been in DJ club for half of the term, I have begun to understand my way around using the different equipment required to mix music together. One thing that I have had to do this season is work collaboratively with my partner as there are only two of us in the activity. Since there are only two of us, we have to work together to ensure that when we mix and fade songs that it can help and aid the transition of the other person.


For example, usually, we play house music as the form of music that we mix which is created using loud and upbeat songs and this requires a smooth transition between when I stop playing and when he starts playing. This is sometimes challenging as it means waiting and finding opportunities that suit the needs that allow for quick and smooth transitions.


However, overall, I feel this has enhanced my DJ skills as I am aware of how to fade songs at the correct time and have begun to learn the proper ways to implement harder and more challenging technology into mixing different songs together and working with a partner has helped to enhance my collaboration skills as we have been able to teach and work with each other.




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